Department of Microbiology
Microbiology is the scientific study of microorganisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular. Microbiology encompasses numerous sub-disciplines including virology, bacteriology, protistology, mycology, immunology, and parasitology.
The Microbiology department actively involves in teaching and clinical diagnostic services to the tertiary care hospitals and adjoining health care facilities in this area. We also offer a 24 hour emergency laboratory service to the entire hospital through the microbiology section located in central laboratory.
Classes are being regularly conducted for the following courses :
- Using different teaching modalities like Didactic lectures, practical demonstrations, interactive symposiums, group discussion and seminars and quizzes pertaining to the MCI norms. The department offers laboratory training and project work for various students from other colleges. Various research facilities have been provided to students and faculties.
- The clinical microbiology laboratory is in the process of full computerization using the WHONET software facilitating the analysis of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and surveillance of hospital acquired pathogens.
- Department actively involves in regular hospital surveillance activities including: Critical care area surveillance, hospital environmental surveillance, drinking water testing, microbiology sterility checking, sterility check of blood bags, solutions and sterilizers used in CSSD.
Primary mission is to train undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and make them aware of the biology, epidemiology, immunology and pathogenesis of various infectious diseases and their control measures.
To help the clinicians in patient care by actively participating in infection control and surveillance programmes.
To promote high quality Research in Diagnostic Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Biology.
Microbiology Lab Services:
Our Microbiology lab aims at providing accurate and reproducible results on various clinical materials submitted within the shortest turn-around time possible.
Following sections are set under Microbiology Lab :
- Bacteriology Including Mycobacteriology.
- Virology.
- Mycology and Parasitology.
- Serology.
- Immunology.
- Hospital infection surveillance and prevention.
Bacteriology Lab
Is equipped with sophisticated machines for bacterial identification and bacterial culture and sensitivity testing of various infected specimens like sputum, blood, urine, pus and body fluids. Widal Card and tube tests are available for diagnosing Typhoid fever. Diagnostic tests for Tuberculosis also available.
Virology and Serology Lab
Viruses can be identified by Immunofluorescence, antibody detection by ELISA method and by PCR test. Diagnosis of HIV, HBV, & HBC are done by ELISA test in our lab. Serological tests like VDRL, card test for Malarial parasite, RA Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and ASO titre are done.
Hospital Infection Surveillance and Prevention
Nosocomial infection is one of the important cause for morbidity and mortality in hospitalized and immunocompromised patients. Our lab is conducting weekly microbiological surveillance by air culture, water culture and swab culture from various ICUs, Cath Lab, Operation theatres, Blood Bank, Dialysis Units and labour room which act as the potential sources for hospital infection.
At the end of the course the student shall be able to:
- Identify and locate all the structures of the body and mark the topography of the living anatomy.
- Identify and locate all the structures of the body and mark the topography of the living anatomy.
Awards & Accolades
Today the hospital is recognized as a world renowned institution, not only providing outstanding care and treatment, but improving the outcomes for all through a comprehensive medical research. For over 20 years, our hospital has touched lives of millions of people, and provide care and treatment for the sickest in our community including rehabilitation and aged care.
IMA India Awards
Harvard Gold Medal
Medical Rating for Anatomy
The medical rating is calculating based in the functionality and individual branches performances, but mostly its review and feed backs are to be considered for getting better rating. The medical council will evaluate all the aspects of services and facilities to ensure the quality of education to students.
The Facilities
Demonstration Rooms
There are two demonstration rooms equipped with Over Head Projector (OHP), LCD projector and audiovisual aid with an accommodation capacity of 100 students, 50 each.
Students Laboratory
Students Laboratory (228 Area) is well furnished with laboratory service tables , sinks, water taps, light for microscopy and burners for 90 students with a preparation room.
Wide collection of well labelled informative specimens, charts, models, Multiple copies of catalogues available for student use with 50 chairs.
Service Laboratory
Separate service laboratory with a dedicated area for :
- Bacteriology.
- Mycobacteriology (RNTCP Designated Microscopy Centre).
- Mycology.
- Parasitology.
- Serology.
- Immunology.
- Virology.
- Separate area for Media preparation and storage.
- Auto Claving.
- Washing & drying room with regular and continuous water supply for contaminated culture plates, test tubes and glassware.
Departmental Library-Cum-Seminar Room
Departmental library-cum-seminar room with 107 Microbiology Text / reference Books.
Departmental Research Lab
One well equipped research Lab for students and faculties.
Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC)
PKDIMS has the facility of Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC) under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP).
Para Clinical Departments
Emergency Cases
Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.
Opening Hours
COVID-19 Latest Update
Our Medical HOD Professors
staffs all have exceptional experience and trained skills under various
medical departments and its treatment.
Richard Muldoone
Michael Brian
Maria Andaloro

Dr. L Ravichandran
Reg.No: TCMC 53496

Dr. Arun Aravind
Associate Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 36625

Dr. R Sathyajith
Reg.No: TCMC 47161

Dr. Divya. M. B
Associate Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 52660

Dr. Nivedita Mohan
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 64133

Dr. Shafeedha Rashbi K
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 63682

Mr. Faisal K A
M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology)

Mrs. Remya A M
M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology)

Dr. Vidhu Victor
Reg.No: TCMC 97714

Dr. Sruthi M
Reg.No: TCMC 75336

Dr. Anoop P K
Reg.No: TCMC 86092

Dr. Akshara Madathil
Reg.No: TCMC 81415

Dr. Fathima Nishva K
Reg.No: KSMC 97058

Dr. Aravind A S
Reg.No: KSMC 97515

Dr. Safdar Zubair K V
Reg.No: KSMC 85478

Dr. Megha Devdas
Reg.No: KSMC 102375

Dr. Jemi Sharlin J M
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TMC 138403

Dr. Hema C R
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 49794