Department of General Surgery
India has given the world Sushruta Samhita, the venerable treatise on surgery by Sushruta considered the first Indian Surgeon and ‘the Father of Plastic Surgery’, in the 6th century BC; the medieval times were then known as the Golden Age of Surgery in ancient India.
A savant surgeon, philosopher and above all, a great teacher, Sushruta emphasized the need of following up theory with practice, ordained that anyone wishing to attain surgical skill should learn Anatomy by practical observations on the various structures of the human body and revolutionized treatment procedures including usage of pain relief measures during and after procedures.
Surgery is not for the feeble minded and hearted, but for the perseverer. The Department of Surgery at P K Das Hospital has been keeping up with the high ideals of such a great legacy, both in patient care as well as in imparting surgical education.
The broad goal of teaching the undergraduate medical students in Surgery is producing graduates capable of delivering efficient first contact surgical care.
- At the end of the course, the student should be able to describe aetiology, pathophysiology and principles of diagnosis and management of common surgical problems including emergencies, in adult and children, define indications and methods for fluid and replacement therapy including blood transfusion, define asepsis, disinfection and sterilization and recommended judicious use of antibiotics, describe common malignancies in the country and their management including prevention and enumerate different types of anaesthetic agents, their indications, mode of administration, contraindications and side effects.
- At the end of the course, the student should be able to diagnose common surgical conditions in adult and children, both acute and chronic, plan various laboratory tests for surgical conditions and interpret the results, identify and manage patients of haemorrhagic, septicaemic and other types of shock, be able to maintain patients’ air-way and resuscitate a critically injured patient, a patient with cardiorespiratory failure and a drowning case, monitor patient of head, chest, spinal and abdominal injuries, both in adult and children, provide primary care for a patient of burns, acquire principles of operative surgery, including pre-operative, operative and postoperative care and monitoring, treat open wounds including preventing measures against tetanus and gas gangrene, diagnose neonatal and paediatric surgical emergencies and provide sound primary care, identify congenital anomalies and refer them for appropriate management.
- In addition to the skills referred above in items the student should assist the following procedures like incision and drainage of abscess, debridement and suturing open wound, venesection, excision of simple cyst and tumours, biopsy of surface malignancy, catheterisation and nasogastric intubation, circumcision, meatotomy, Vasectomy, Peritoneal and pleural aspirations, diagnostic proctoscopy, hydrocele surgery, endotracheal intubation, tracheostomy, chest tube insertion.
The Department lays ample stress on research work and projects under the guidance of the faculty will be undertaken. It has publications in International and National medical journals. Emphasis on teamwork with continual self assessment and realist goals are aimed at propelling the Department to greater heights.
Patient Care
The department of Surgery is one of the core clinical departments of the hospital and has functioned since the inception of P K Das Hospital. The department at present has a judicious mix of senior experienced as well as highly motivated and trained junior faculty members providing out-patient services, diagnostic services and elective and round the clock emergency surgical services.
Patient care services include General Surgical OPD on six days of the week. An average of 100 patients is seen per day in the OPD and about 10 admissions are made in the emergency hours. Annually about 1000 major and 3000 minor surgical procedures are performed. The range of surgical services provided by the department includes gastrointestinal surgery, breast and endocrine surgery and minimally invasive surgery; in addition to taking care of patients with chronic wounds. Trauma and non-trauma emergencies are also managed by the department. The Department has a dedicated Endoscopy program where diagnostic and therapeutic upper and lower GI endoscopies are performed on all working days.
Academics for Undergraduates
Faculty development programmes
Undergraduate MBBS teaching comprising of lectures, seminars, integrated teaching with pre and para clinical departments, OPD cases discussions, bed side clinics, Operation theatre observations, minor procedures training and emergency department postings are aimed at producing a student who has attained the goals and objectives listed below.
Awards & Accolades
Today the hospital is recognized as a world renowned institution, not only providing outstanding care and treatment, but improving the outcomes for all through a comprehensive medical research. For over 20 years, our hospital has touched lives of millions of people, and provide care and treatment for the sickest in our community including rehabilitation and aged care.
IMA India Awards
Harvard Gold Medal
India Medical Prize
UK National Prize
Medical Rating for Anatomy
The medical rating is calculating based in the functionality and individual branches performances, but mostly its review and feed backs are to be considered for getting better rating. The medical council will evaluate all the aspects of services and facilities to ensure the quality of education to students.
The Facilities
Out Patient Department
Out Patient facilities includes well furnished , comfortable waiting area for patients. Reception team not only takes care of the patients till they receive the consultation but remain available for any requirements thereafter . There are Four examination rooms for patients and one demonstration room for students There is separate dressing room for Males and Females Minor OT.
In Patient Services
Round the clock service of senior consultants available for In patients Well furnished General wards and private rooms All basic facilities like Examination and Treatment room , ward Pantry , store room Clinical demonstration room for students Well furnished rooms for Resident doctors and students Department teaching Staff well accommodated in separate offices.
Surgery & Allied Specialties Departments
Emergency Cases
Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.
Opening Hours
Our Medical HOD Professors
staffs all have exceptional experience and trained skills under various
medical departments and its treatment.
Richard Muldoone
Michael Brian
Maria Andaloro
Dr. A. Sreekumar
Reg.No: TCMC 10312
Dr. Rajan. S. P
Reg.No: TCMC 11855
Dr. Parvathy M
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 73107
Dr. Vanithamani M
Reg.No: TCMC 39529
Dr. Reghu Sankar P
Reg.No: TCMC 18056
Dr. Satish G Prabhu
Reg.No: TCMC 17721
Dr. Sudheer. U. K
Associate Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 64949
Dr. Madhuvanan
Associate Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 95266
Dr. Moosan U
Associate Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 30332
Dr. Jagadish Kumar C D
Associate Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 68791
Dr. Saravanan T
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 49397
Dr. Sreevally
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 40765
Dr. Neethish K Paul
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 58105
Dr. Athulya Balan
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 64210
Dr. Indrajith S
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 59804
Dr. Animesh M
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 48153
Dr. Sreejith V
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 52942
Dr. Jamsheer V T
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 46477
Dr. Arun Kumar N R
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 49440
Dr. Binesh Shankar V
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 49439
Dr. Sreekanth S
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 74358
Dr. Veena R Unni
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 55220
Dr. Nimisha
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 73096
Dr. Lakshmi
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 68240
Dr. Suresh Babu
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 121748
Dr. Jose John Maliakal
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 50031
Dr. Gokul Balaji
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 72290
Dr. Indusekhar R
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 62062
Dr. Mohammed Ribin S
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 63329
Dr. Gayathri A S
Senior Resident
Reg.No: TCMC 63154
Dr. Lukumanul Hakeem K J
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 72144
Dr. Ajay Tom Francis
Assistant Professor
Reg.No: TCMC 71318