Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Anatomy | Original | Ramakrishnan PK, Elezy MA. Variation in branching pattern of internal iliac artery.Anatomica Karnataka. 2012; (1): 16- 22. |
2 | Anatomy | Original | Ramakrishnan PK, Selvarasu CD, Elezy MA. A descriptive anatomical study of branching pattern of internal iliac artery in humans. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2012; 1 (1): 7- 13. |
3 | Anatomy | Original | Elezy MA, Ramarishnan PK, Aswin DM, Jijoe JV. Horse- shoe kidney with multiple renal arteries- a case report. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2012; 1 (2): 91- 95. |
4 | Anatomy | Original | Variations in the Extensor Tendons of the Hand and a Study of Extenor Digitorum Brevis Manus Muscle. PK Ramakrishnan, RosemolXaviour, Akshara VR. Indian Journal of Anatomy. Vol.6, No.4 October-December 2017. |
5 | Anatomy | Original | Students’ Perception on the Effectiveness of Various Teaching and Learning Methods in Anatomy. RosemolXaviour, PK Ramakrishnan. Indian Journal of Anatomy. Vol. 5. No. 3 Sep-Dec 2016. |
6 | Anatomy | Original | Spirituality and Medical Education in India: What Students have to say – A Qualitative Study. PK Ramakrishnan, RosemolXaviour, AK Sapna. NSMJ. Special Issue, Dec 2016. |
7 | Anatomy | Original | Athul Antony Simon, Shashirekha M, Varsha Mokhasi,Geentanjali BS, T Rajini, S Kantha, Fryns Sundrome – A Case Report, 2013, Anatomica Karnataka, Vol – 7, (1), Page 10-14. |
8 | Anatomy | Original | Athul Antony Simon, Shashirekha M, Varsha Mokhasi, MTHFR Gene Mutation in the gensisi of neural tube defect and multipke congenital anamolies – Acase report, 2016, International Journal of Current research, 8, (11), 41307 – 41310. |
9 | Anatomy | Original | Athul Antony Simon, Shashirekha M, Varsha Mokhasi, Aga Ammar Murthuza, Bonwill’s Triangle – the Uncharted Anatomic Geometry, 2020, International Journal Of Current Research, 12(10),14159-14161. |
10 | Anatomy | Original | Athul Antony Simon, Stalin Agnes Michael, Lizamma Alex, Geena Benjamin, Nisha Kurien, CT based Morphometric Analysis of Sacro-Iliac Joint in South Indian Demography, 2020. International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 12, Issue, 11 pp. 14854-14859. |
11 | Anatomy | Original | Premchand S. A , Edward I , Benjamin W , Shaik Hussain Saheb. ANATOMICAL VARIATIONS IN THE ORIGIN OF BRACHIOCEPHALIC TRUNK AND LEFT COMMON CAROTID ARTERY FROM THE ARCH OF AORTA: A CADAVERIC STUDY.Int J Anat Res 2017, Vol 5(3.2):4235-37. ISSN 2321-4287. |
12 | Anatomy | Original | Premchand S. A , Edward I , Benjamin W , Shaik Hussain Saheb. A STUDY OF TIBIAL NERVE- MOTOR BRANCHING PATTERN TO THE DEEP MUSCLES OF THE POSTERIOR CRURAL REGION.Int J Anat Res 2017, Vol 5(3.2):4230-34. ISSN 2321-4287. |
13 | Anatomy | Original | Akshara Venmalassery Rajive, Minnie Pillay. A Study of Variations in the Origin of Obturator Artery and its Clinical Significance.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Aug, Vol-9(8): AC12-AC15. |
14 | Anatomy | Original | Akshara V. R., Dr. Minnie Pillay. A Study on the Variations of the Branching Pattern of the Internal ILIAC Artery.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014. |
15 | Anatomy | Original | Nandagopalan P.A,Rosemol Xaviour. VARIATIONS IN THE NUMBER OF ABSORPTIVE COLUMNAR CELLS AND GOBLET CELLS IN THE HUMAN DUODENAL MUCOSA – AN AGE RELATED STUDY.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 9). |
16 | Anatomy | Case Report | Rosemol Xaviour.PENTALOBED RIGHT LUNG –A Case Report. TJPRC-IJHAR ;Vol. 5 ISSUE 1: 2015. |
17 | Anatomy | Case Report | Rosemol Xaviour ,Rajendraprasad. AORTIC DISSECTION AND SUDDEN DEATH- 3 CASE SCENARIOS :GENETIC BASIS.Pharmaceutical Sciences .Vol. 5, Issue 5, Oct 2015, 9-14. |
18 | Anatomy | Original | Rosemol Xaviour ,Rajendraprasad.A STUDY ON THE AORTIC VALVES IN INDIAN POPULATION .7 IJA VOL 6 P:NO 125. |
21 | Anatomy | Review | Anusha A.M “Subcutaneous Sparganosis: A Rare Case Report”. International Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2014, 13(6):06-08. |
22 | Anatomy | Review | Anusha A.M “Tetraphocomelia : A Case Report with Review of literature”. International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences”, 2014, 4(6):63-68. |
23 | Anatomy | Review | Anusha A.M “Lissencephaly: A Review with a rare Case Report”. International Journal of Science and Research, 2014, 3(12):348-351. |
24 | Anatomy | Review | Anusha A.M “Duct ectasia: An unusual case presentation and an overview”. International Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2014, 13(12):29-32. |
25 | Anatomy | Original | Anusha A M., S Ranjith and P T Annamala Correlation between Prostate Specific Antigen and Acid Phosphatase with Histopathological Findings in Various Prostatic Pathologies. International Journal of Medical Sciences. (2015) 6(2):1-6. |
26 | Anatomy | Original | Anusha A.M. & P.T Annamala. Morphometric Analysis of Endometrium in Patients with Menorrhagia.; International Journal of current Medical and Applied sciences ; 2015, 7(1), 54-58. |
27 | Anatomy | Review | Perspective. International Journal of Human Pathology and Research. 2015. 5(1): 1- 10. |
28 | Anatomy | Original | Dr. Preethi M Shenoy, Dr.Anusha A.M and Dr.P.T.Annamala. Correlation of Myeloperoxidase with Urea, Creatinine and Lipid Profile in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. IOSR-JDMS, 2016; 15(3) 47–51. |
29 | Anatomy | Original | Annamala PT, Anusha AM, Mathew T. Evaluation of insulin and C-peptide in diabetic patients undergoing renal dialysis. Int J Res Med Sci 2016;4:4579-82. |
30 | Anatomy | Original | KH Raviprasanna, BR Chaitra, W Benjamin, Vijayalaxmi Mangasuli, “Coracoid Process of Scapula: Morphometric Analysis in South Indian Population”, AJARS, 2022; 11(2): P.No. 6-10 |
31 | Anatomy | Original | Moizuddin Jawaduddin Khwaja, Siraj Ahmed Hasham Shaikh, Sanket Dadarao Hiware, Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi, Asim Mohsin Badaam, Faiza Banu Siddiqui, Pradeep Bokariya, Nidhi Sharma, “Morphometric Assessment of Orbit in Human Skull”, JEMDS, 2020; 9 (48): P.No. 3623-3627 |
32 | Anatomy | Original | Shaikh Siraj Ahmed, Faiza Banu Siddiqui, Sujatha Banglore Bayer, “Sex Differentiation of Humerus: An Osteometric Study”, JCDR, 2018; 12 (12): P.No. 01-05 |
33 | Anatomy | Original | Khwaja Moizuddin Jawaduddin, Siraj Ahmad, “Stature Prediction from Anthropometric Feet Dimensions: A Study of Relationship” IJA 2018; 7 (2): P.No. 159-166 |
34 | Anatomy | Original | Essam E. Ismail Sr., Radi A. Al Saffar, Kamaluddin Motawei, Sanket D. Hiware, Khwaja Moizuddin, Siraj A. Shaikh, Sujata B. Bayer, Yasser Alharbi, Rashid A. Aldahhan, Syed R. Daimi “Defining the Components of the Deltoid Ligament (DL): A Cadaveric Study”, Ismail et al. Cureus, 2022, 14 (3): P.No. 1-8 |
35 | Anatomy | Original | Shajiya Sarwar Moosa, Mohammad Habeebur Raheman Shaikh , Moizuddin Khwaja, Siraj Ahmed Hasham Shaikh, Faiza Banu Siddiqui, Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi, Sanket Dadarao Hiware, Essam Elbadawy Ismail, Yousuf Begum, “Sexual dimorphic parameters of femur: a clinical guide in orthopedics and forensic studies”, JML, 2021; 11 (6): P.No. 762-768. |
36 | Anatomy | Original | Khwaja Moizuddin, Shaikh Siraj Ahmed Shaikh Hasham Saudagar, Sanket Dadarao Hiware, Faiza Banu Siddiqui, Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi, Asim Mohsin Badaam, “To Evaluate the Correlation of Stature with Hand & Foot Width in Subjects”, IJPHRD, 2020; 11 (03): P.No. 2074-2076 |
37 | Anatomy | Original | Khwaja Moizuddin, Shaikh Siraj Ahmed Shaikh Hasham Saudagar, Sanket Dadarao Hiware, Faiza Banu Siddiqui, Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi, Asim Mohsin Badaam, “To Assess Correlation of Stature with Hand & Foot Length”, IJPHRD, 2020; 11 (3): P.No. 2083-2085 |
38 | Anatomy | Original | Sanket Dadarao Hiware, Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi, Siraj Ahmed Hasham Shaikh, Moizuddin Jawaduddin Khwaja, Asim Mohsin Badaam, Faiza Banu Siddiqui, Pradeep Bokariya, Nidhi Sharma, “Assessment of Patterns of Dorsal Venous Plexus and Veins of the Upper Limb”, JEMDS, 2020; 9 (49): P.No. 3731-3734 |
39 | Anatomy | Original | Sujatha Banglore Bayer, Faiza Banu Siddiqui, Shaikh Siraj Ahmed, “CORRELATION OF MID-UPPER ARM CIRCUMFERENCE WITH BODY MASS INDEX AND WAIST-HIP RATIO IN HAEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS”, JEMDS, 2017; 6 (73): P.No. 5183-5185 |
40 | Anatomy | Original | Rumana F. Shaikh, Mohammed Taher Ali, Ashfaq A. Mohsin, Sanket D. Hiware, Arafat Ahmad, Syed Rehan H. Daimi, Khwaja Moizuddin, Siraj A. Shaikh, Faiza B. Siddiqui, “A Comparative Study on Clinical Evaluation of the Hypolipidemic Effects of Allium sativum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Commiphora mukul, Picrorhiza kurroa, and Piper nigrum: A Pilot Study”, Cureus, 2022; 14 (7): P.No. 1-7 |
41 | Anatomy | Original | Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi, Srinivasa Rao Bolla, Moizuddin Jawaduddin Khwaja, Sanket Dadarao Hiware, Shajiya Sarwar Moosa, Yousuf Begum, Siraj Ahmed Hasham Shaikh, Asim Mohsin Badaam, “Morphological Classification of Arch of Frohse and Its Implication in Compression of Deep Branch of Radial Nerve”, JEMDS, 2021, 10 (31): P.No. 2412-2415 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Radiology | Original | Sabujan Sainudeen, Aswin Padmanabhan, R C Krishna Kumar, “Evaluating role of transcutaneous perianal ultrasonography in assessment of perianal fistulae with MRI correlation”, JAMDSR, 2019; 7 (10): P.No. 238-240 |
2 | Radiology | Original | Aswin Padhmanaban, “ASSESSMENT OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING FINDING IN PATIENTS WITH MIGRAINE”, AJMRS, 2020; 8 (2): P.No. 131-134 |
3 | Radiology | Original | Aswin Padhmanaban, “Evaluation of Hepatic Masses Using CT Scan”, AJMRS, 2021, 9 (1): P.No. 105-108 |
4 | Radiology | Original | Dr. Sabayya Bhovi, Dr. Jagadish Kumar CD, “Clinical Profile of patients with GERD attending Tertiary care hospital”, IJSS, 2019; 3 (1): P.No. 128-131 |
5 | Radiology | Original | Dr. Sabayya Bhovi, Dr. Jagadish Kumar CD “Histopathological and endoscopic study of GERD patients”, IJSS, 2019; 3 (1): P.No.132-135 |
6 | Radiology | Original | Jagadish Kumar CD, Supritha J, Haritha C, Manjunath G N, R C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Prevalence and Risk Factors for Lower Limb Varicose Veins during Pregnancy”, EJMCM, 2022; 9 (7): P.No. 2070-2074 |
7 | Radiology | Original | Jagadish Kumar CD, Supritha J, Manjunath G N, Haritha C4, R C Krishna Kumar, “Comparison of Treatment Modalities for the Management of Umbilical Hernia in Pregnancy”, EJMCM, 2022; 9 (7): P.No. 2075-2079 |
8 | Radiology | Original | HN Dinesh, CD Jagadish Kumar, HM Sanjay, V Sachin, Basavaraju, “Is Endoscopy Really Necessary in My Case? A Four Year Retrospective Study”, JCDR, 2015; 9 (7): P.NO. 12-14 |
9 | Radiology | Original | Joby Thomas, Moosan Ullattil, R C Krishna Kumar, “Morphine and fentanyl for postoperative analgesia after ambulatory surgical procedures”, JAMDSR, 2017; 5 (6): P.No. 121-123 |
10 | Radiology | Original | Sabujan Sainudeen, Shivaraju CS, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of pancreatic pathologies with CT scan”, JAMDSR, 2016, 4 (2) : P. No. 247-250 |
11 | Radiology | Original | Sabujan Sainudeen, Shivaraju CS, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of variations in sinuses using CT scans”, JAMDSR, 2016; 4 (3): P.No. 168-170 |
12 | Radiology | Original | Shivaraju C S, Assessment of Gall Bladder Diseases Using Ultrasonography, AJMR, 2019; 8 (3): P.No. 4-6 |
13 | Radiology | Original | Shivaraju C S, “Assessment of Hepatic Masses Using CT scan”, AJMR, 2019; 8 (4): P.No. 8-10 |
14 | Radiology | Original | Sabujan Sainudeen, Shivaraju CS, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of pancreatic pathologies with CT scan”, JAMDSR, 2016, 4 (2) : P. No. 247-250 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Anasthesiology | Original | Deepak S, Jitin George, Mohsin Mohammed Ali, Ashwin S John, R. C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Effect of Epidural Clonidine on Characteristics of Spinal Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Gynaecological Surgeries” IJHCR, 2022; 5 (3): P.No. 824-826 |
2 | Anasthesiology | Original | Mohsin Mohammed Ali, Jitin George, Deepak S, “Comparison of intranasal dexmedetomidine and midazolam as premedication on haemodynamic stability: A teaching hospital based study in Kerala”, IJHS, 2022; 6 (2): P. No. 13018–13027. |
3 | Anasthesiology | Original | Joji P John, Sayooj K S, Safiya Sherrin MK, Azeem V P, “Assessment of Ultrasound-Guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block with Bupivacaine and Ropivacaine as Adjuncts for Postoperative Analgesia in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies” IJPCR, 2023; 15 (6): P.No. 1251- 1255 |
4 | Anasthesiology | Original | James Chacko, Dhanesh S, AsishKarthik and Randeep A M, “PREDICTION OF DIFFICULT INTUBATION: IS THERE A GOLD STANDARD?”, IJCAR, 2017; 6 (2): P.No: 2010-2013 |
5 | Anasthesiology | Original | K.K. Mubarak, James Chacko, Aswathy James, Vidya R. Vijayan, “Haemothorax Following Right Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation”, IJAA, 2017, 4 (2): P. No. 542-545 |
6 | Anasthesiology | Original | James Chacko, Asish Karthik, Sruthy Unni and Aparna Satish, “VENTILATORY HABITS AND OUTCOME OF PATIENTS ADMITTED IN AN ICU OF A TERTIARY CARE TEACHING HOSPITAL- A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS”, IJCAR, 2017, 6 (2): P.No. 2244-2246 |
7 | Anasthesiology | Original | James Chacko, Asish Karthik, Sruthy Unni and Aparna Satish, “VENTILATORY HABITS AND OUTCOME OF PATIENTS ADMITTED IN AN ICU OF A TERTIARY CARE TEACHING HOSPITAL- A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS”, IJCAR, 2017, 6 (2): P.No. 2244-2246 |
8 | Anasthesiology | Original | K.K. Mubarak, James Chacko, Randeep A.M, Aparna Satish, “Determinants of Mortality Outcome after Major Laparotomy in a Tertiary Hospital: An Observational Study”, IJAA, 2017; 4 (2): P.No. 447-452 |
9 | Anasthesiology | Original | Mithun Raju. P, Nisha Thomas, “Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block with bupivacaine and ropivacaine as adjuncts for postoperative analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomies- A Comparative study”, JCDR, 2023, 14 (3): P.No. 2040-2045 |
10 | Anasthesiology | Original | Nisha Thomas, “Assessment of Effect of Nasal Oxygen Supplementation During Apnoea of Intubation on Arterial Oxygen Levels”, AJMR, 2021; 10 (3): P.No. 11-14 |
11 | Anasthesiology | Original | Nisha Thomas, “Assessment of Effect Phenylephrine with Oxytocin on the Prevention of Oxytocin-Induced Hypotension in Caesarean Section Under Spinal Anaesthesia”, AJMR, 2021; 10 (2): P.No. 5-8 |
12 | Anasthesiology | Original | Nisha Thomas, Mithun Raju. P “Efficacy of Dexamethasone and Dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to Bupivacaine 0.25% versus plain 0.25 % Bupivacaine in caudal block in paediatric patients undergoing infra umbilical surgery”, JCDR, 2023, 14 (6): P.No. 2553-2557 |
13 | Anasthesiology | Original | Dilshad T P, Sindhura S, R C Krishna Kumar, “Efficiency and outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation”, JAMDSR, 2020; 8 (3): P.No. 179-182 |
14 | Anasthesiology | Original | Dilshad T P, Sindhura S, R C Krishna Kumar, “Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block with bupivacaine and ropivacaine as adjuncts for postoperative analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomies”, JAMDSR, 2020, 8 (1): P.No. 380-383 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases | Original | Tony Luke Baby, Zakhi Ahmed, ”Assessment of red cell distribution width with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”, JAMDSR, 2016; 4 (5): P.No. 251-253 |
2 | Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases | Original | Tony Luke Baby, Zakhi Ahmed “Assessment of correlation of neutrophil to lymphocyte with acute exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”, JAMDSR, 2016; 4 (3): P.No. 171-173 |
3 | Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases | Original | Tony Luke Baby, Zakhi Ahmed “Assessment of effect of glycemic control on spirometric variables in patients of type II diabetes mellitus”, JAMDSR, 2019; 7 (7): P.No.271-273 |
4 | Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases | Original | Tony Luke Baby, Zakhi Ahmed, “Assessment of outcomes of community acquired pneumonia”, JAMDSR, 2019, 7 (10): P.No. 244-246 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Biochemistry | Original | Role of BNP assay in chronic renal failure associated with Left ventricular dysfunctions, Authors Dr Jagathlal PC,Dr Ashika, Indian journal of clinical biochemistry,volume 28, December2013,Pg no 265. |
2 | Biochemistry | Original | Importance of Tacrolimus measurement and assessment of its toxicity in monitoring post liver transplant patients. Anuja PS, Dr K M Shubakumari, Dr. Jagathlal PC, Indian journal of clinical biochemistry, Vol 24, supplement 2009, pg 220. |
3 | Biochemistry | Original | Role of hormonal therapy for reducing prostate specific antigen level in management of carcinoma prostate level. Dr Ashika, Sugumaran, Dr. Jagathlal PC Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, Vol 27, Dec 2012, pg 42. |
4 | Biochemistry | Original | Immunofluorescence study analysis of 450 positive cases of various autoimmune diseases at a tertiary care hospital and research centre.Dr jagathlal PC, Dr Lakshmi Krishnan Nair, Indian Journal of Clinical biochemsirty, Vol27, Dec 2012. Pg 50. |
5 | Biochemistry | Original | Dried blood/serum spot total cholesterol estimation as an alternative to fresh serum total cholesterol: an answer or a question in itself?, Pushpa Sarkar1, Raghunath H2, Nimisha V3, J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 4/ Issue 37/ May 07, 2015. |
6 | Biochemistry | Original | Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders among School Children Aged 6-12 Years in MandyaDistrict, Karnataka, PushpaSarkar,B R Harish,HRaghunath B J Mahendra, M Vinay, International Journal of Scientifi c Study | November 2014 | Vol 2 | Issue 8. |
7 | Biochemistry | Original | Prevalence of generalised obesity and abdominal obesity among medical students of PK Das Instituteof Medical Sciences, Palakkad, Nimisha V, SanthoshViswan, Jagathlal P C, MedPulse International Journal of Biochemistry. August 2018; 7(2): 13-16. |
8 | Biochemistry | Original | Correlation study between serum prostate specific antigen and body massindex, Rajan S. P, Nimisha Vinod, Santhosh V, J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 3/Issue 72/Sept. 08, 2016. |
9 | Biochemistry | Original | GSTP1 rs1695 polymorphism, oxidative stress markers, and antioxidants in coronary artery disease. ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550-696X, 9 June 2022 |
10 | Biochemistry | Original | Gstp1 Gene Polymorphism and Oxidative Stress in Coronary Artery Disease, Mrs. Reshmi C R, Mrs. Deepa.P.K , Vol.37, No.3, 2022 |
11 | Biochemistry | Original | Relationship between atherogenic index and oxidative stress among patients presented with coronary artery disease in a tertiary care hospital., Mrs. Reshmi C R, Mrs. Deepa.P.K , 2020, 11 (SPL4), 2807-2813 |
12 | Biochemistry | Original | LDLR gene polymorphisms in CAD patients among South-Indian Tamil population, Mrs. Reshmi C R, Mrs. Deepa.P.K , 6(S4), 2609–2619. |
13 | Biochemistry | Original | Association of Pro Protein Convertase Subtilisin / Kexin 9, Apo B and HbA1c in Coronary Artery Disease with and without Diabetes Mellitus., Mrs. Reshmi C R, Mrs. Deepa.P.K,2022.12.2.L93-100 |
14 | Biochemistry | Original | Circulating PCSK9 levels and conventional risk factors in CAD, Mrs. Reshmi C R, Mrs. Deepa.P.K,2021,12(1), 690-695 |
15 | Biochemistry | Original | Role of BNP assay in chronic renal failure associated with Left ventricular dysfunctions, Authors Dr Jagathlal PC,Dr Ashika, Indian journal of clinical biochemistry,volume 28, December2013,Pg no 265. |
16 | Biochemistry | Original | Importance of Tacrolimus measurement and assessment of its toxicity in monitoring post liver transplant patients. Anuja PS, Dr K M Shubakumari, Dr. Jagathlal PC, Indian journal of clinical biochemistry, Vol 24, supplement 2009, pg 220. |
17 | Biochemistry | Original | Role of hormonal therapy for reducing prostate specific antigen level in management of carcinoma prostate level. Dr Ashika, Sugumaran, Dr. Jagathlal PC Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, Vol 27, Dec 2012, pg 42. |
18 | Biochemistry | Original | Immunofluorescence study analysis of 450 positive cases of various autoimmune diseases at a tertiary care hospital and research centre.Dr jagathlal PC, Dr Lakshmi Krishnan Nair, Indian Journal of Clinical biochemsirty, Vol27, Dec 2012. Pg 50. |
19 | Biochemistry | Original | Dried blood/serum spot total cholesterol estimation as an alternative to fresh serum total cholesterol: an answer or a question in itself?, Pushpa Sarkar1, Raghunath H2, Nimisha V3, J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 4/ Issue 37/ May 07, 2015. |
20 | Biochemistry | Original | Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders among School Children Aged 6-12 Years in MandyaDistrict, Karnataka, PushpaSarkar,B R Harish,HRaghunath B J Mahendra, M Vinay, International Journal of Scientifi c Study | November 2014 | Vol 2 | Issue 8. |
21 | Biochemistry | Original | Dona Devasia, Kavitha Meiyappan, Palani Selvam Mohanraj, Dorairajan Lalgudi Narayanan, Gandhipuram Periyasamy Senthilkumar, Md. Yasir, “Association Between Adiponectin and Insulin Resistance in Diabetic Urolithiasis”, OMJ, 2017, 32 (2): P.No: 131-134 |
22 | Biochemistry | Original | Muhammed Sanoop A V, Dona Devasia, “Triglyceride to HDL-cholesterol ratio as an important lipid fraction to predict early CAD in normal healthy individuals”, MIJOBIO, 2019, 11 (3): P.No. 96-99 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Community Medicine | Original | Agrawal A, Shetty A, Jacob GP, Kamath A. Anaemia among Adolescents in a Coastal District of India. Natl J Community Med 2018;9(6):396-401. |
2 | Community Medicine | Original | Jacob GP, Reddy SK, Joseph CA, James BS. Students’ Perspectives on Role and Effectiveness of Lecture in Medical Education. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. Feb 2018; 9(2):245-50. |
3 | Community Medicine | Original | Jacob GP, Rao CR, Kamath A, Pahwa V, Zeb J. Falls At Home: A Community Based Study on Awareness and Prevention among Adults. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2017 Oct-Dec; 8(4):351-6. |
4 | Community Medicine | Original | Jacob GP, Kulkarni MM, Vibha SP, Reddy SK, Praharaj SK, Thippeswamy V, Kumar SM. Impact of Brief Educational Intervention among Medical Students on Knowledge Regarding Tobacco and Alcohol use Disorders. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2017 Oct-Dec; 8(4):220-4. |
5 | Community Medicine | Original | Thomas J, Gogate PM, Rajashekar BB, Kamath A, Jacob GP. Validity of Different Screening Tests for Detecting Visual Impairment in 3 to 6 Year Old Children. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2017;8(3):211-16. |
6 | Community Medicine | Original | Thomas J, Gogate PM, Rajashekar BB, Kamath A, Jacob GP. Ocular Morbidity among 3 to 6 Year Old Children Visiting a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Prospective Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2017;8(3):332-6. |
7 | Community Medicine | Original | Jacob GP, Kulkarni MM. Risk factors of stroke in coastal villages of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka, India: a case control study. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017;4:3145-9. |
8 | Community Medicine | Original | Jha AT, Jacob GP, Ramireddy M, Kini YK. Awareness and practices regarding standard precautions for infection control among the hospital support staff in a tertiary care hospital in South India: a cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017;4:2690-5. |
9 | Community Medicine | Original | Kulkarni MM, Jacob GP, Kamath A, Guha S, Ramireddy M. Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding mosquito borne diseases among adults in Udupi District, Karnataka. Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine. 2017 Jul-Sep; 4(3):158-163. |
10 | Community Medicine | Original | Rao CR, Jacob GP, Kuppusamy S, Kamath VG, Kamath A. Geriatric concerns – Activities of daily living, nutrition, social security measures in a coastal South Indian Population. Ntl J Community Med. 2016;7(7):598-602. |
11 | Community Medicine | Original | Kulkarni MM, Jacob GP, Sreejayan K, Praharaj SK, Thippeswamy V, Ka-math VG. Integrated approach to sensitise medical students on management of tobacco and alcohol use dis-orders. Ntl J Community Med. 2016; 7(2): 92-6. |
12 | Community Medicine | Original | Diana Moganeswari, Jyothi Thomas, Krithica Srinivasan, George P Jacob. Test Re-Test Reliability and Validity of Different Visual Acuity and Stereoacuity Charts Used in Preschool Children. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Nov;9(11): NC01. |
13 | Community Medicine | Original | Reddy VS, Jacob GP, Ballala K, Ravi C, Ravi B, Gandhi P, Tadkal P, Singh T. A study on the prevalence of hypertension among young adults in a coastal district of Karnataka, South India. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research. 2015 Apr;3 (3):32-9. |
14 | Community Medicine | Original | Kamath VG, Jacob GP, Agrawal A, Kamath A, Shenoy RP. Prevalence of goitre and its associated factors in a coastal district of Karnataka. Indian J Comm Health. 2015;26. |
15 | Community Medicine | Original | Thomas J, Vasudha K, Sankar N, Jacob GP. Prevalence of Ocular Symptoms among Computer Professionals in a University Setting in South India. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2014 Dec; 3(69):14777-86. |
16 | Community Medicine | Original | A Barua, GP Jacob, SS Mahmood. Patient health questionnaire for screening psychiatric disorders in secondary healthcare. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Apr-Jun; 55(2):125–30. |
17 | Community Medicine | Original | Thomas J, Jacob GP, Abraham L, Noushad B. The effect of smoking on the ocular surface and the precorneal tear film. AMJ. 2012;5(4):221?226. |
18 | Community Medicine | Original | A Barua, GP Jacob, SS Mahmood, S Udupa, M Naidu, PS Roopa, et al. A Study on Screening for Psychiatric Disorders in Adult Population. Indian J of Community Medicine. 2007 Jan;32 (1):65-6. |
19 | Community Medicine | Original | Thiyagarajan P, Piramanayagam N. Influencing factors among rural households on their awareness level about mosquito borne diseases-a descriptive cross-sectional study from endemic area in Kerala. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:147-53. |
20 | Community Medicine | Original | Thiyagarajan P, Elango V. Prevalence, combinations and associations of components of MetS among adults aged 40 years and above from rural Kerala: a cross-sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2020;7:4609-14. |
21 | Community Medicine | Original | Thiyagarajan P., Kalyani& P.K. Govindarajan; Magnitude of select Risks for Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) among Male Bus Drivers operating from and through Chidambaram Depots. International Journal of current Medical and Applied sciences; 2015, 8(2), 39-45. |
22 | Community Medicine | Original | Thiyagarajan P, B Ravichandran. Prevalence of Occupational Ocular Morbidities and its Prevention Practices among Unorganized Welders from a city in South India. Indian J Prev. Soc. Med. 2020;51 (3): 120-124. |
23 | Community Medicine | Original | Thiyagarajan P, Piramanayagam N. Influencing factors among rural households on their awareness level about mosquito borne diseases-a descriptive cross-sectional study from endemic area in Kerala. Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:147-53. |
24 | Community Medicine | Original | Thiyagarajan P. Morningness, eveningness chronotype traits and sleep quality among healthcare workers in shift work-a cross-sectional study from a tertiary care hospital in Kerala.Int J Community Med Public Health 2021;8:417-23. |
25 | Community Medicine | Original | A Study On Knowledge, Attitude And Practice On Child-Rearing Among Parents Having Children With Intellectual Disabilities In Thrissur District Kerala, International Journal of Current advanced research vol6,issue 1, p1886-1890 january 2017. |
26 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T, A Study On The Bacteriological Profile Of Urinary Tract Infection In Adults And Their Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Central Kerala – International Journal of research in medical sciences vol5,issue2:p666-669 February 2017. |
27 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T , Epidemiological determinants of contraceptive practices among eligible couples in a rural area of Thrissur, Kerala , National Journal of research in community medicine vol 5, issue4 ,Oct-Dec 2016. |
28 | Community Medicine | Original | Clinico- epidemiological and anthropometric profile of rural preschool children in central Kerala, International Journal of Current advanced research vol6,issue 3, p2488-2493 March 2017. |
29 | Community Medicine | Original | Treatment outcome of patients with delayed sputum conversion in category1 antituberculosis treatment in central Kerala International Journal of Current advanced research vol6,issue 4, p3524-3526 April 2017. |
30 | Community Medicine | Original | Medical students as alumni in schools are accepted for Measles Rubella vaccination campaign “lessons from Jubilee in schools” International Journal of Current advanced research vol7,issue 7, p14127-14130 July 2018. |
31 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T , Effectiveness of targeted health education with focus on knowledge and practice among hospital sanitation workers designated in isolation wards as part of the pandemic preparedness for Covid 19 – Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol.11, N0.12 December 2020. |
32 | Community Medicine | Original | Raj PBU, Mangasuli V. Retrospective study on prevalence of anaemia among pregnant women at booking in a health care centre in Yadwad, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2016;3:2762-5. |
33 | Community Medicine | Original | Livingston LS, Maheswaran R, Shetty SM, Rikesh MS , Ernest D. Cross Sectional Study on Knowledge and Attitude among Women in The Reproductive Age Group Towards Sex Ratio and PC& PNDT Act in Urban Field Practice Areas Of Medical College, Bengaluru. Natl J Community Med 2019;10(8):456-460. |
34 | Community Medicine | Original | Dishani MR, Kannan R, Philip R, Ramesh N, Jain Y, Mohite A. Morbidity profile and nutritional status of tribal under five children attending the phulwaris in rural Chhattisgarh. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:4077-81. |
35 | Community Medicine | Original | Radhika Kannan., et al.: Perceptions and practices of antenatal women regarding ultrasounds in pregnancy. 240 National Journal of Research in Community Medicine?Jul-Sep.2019? Vol 8 ?Issue 3. |
36 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T, A study on the proportion of hearing impairment among percussionists in Thrissur district of Kerala. International Journal of Research in Medical science. 2021 |
37 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T, Crossectional study on the prevalence of polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications among elderly patients in a tertiary care center in central Kerala, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2021 |
38 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T, Dynamics of transmission of COVID 19 cases and household contacts A prospective Cohort study, Journal of acute disease. 2021 |
39 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T, A study on prevalence and pattern of tobacco uses and nicotine dependence among migrant laborer working in Pathanamthitta, International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 2021 |
40 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T, A Case control study on the risk factors of non-syndromic orofacial clefts. International Surgery Journal, 2021 |
41 | Community Medicine | Original | Jubina Bency A T, Self-perceived health status, medical care seeking behavior and the preference of tele medicine among non-communicable disease patients during the Covid 19 pandemic lockdowns. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2022 |
42 | Community Medicine | Original | Harshal Kawanpure, A study to assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding Swine Flu. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2014 |
43 | Community Medicine | Original | Harshal Kawanpure, Study on Oxidative Stress in Senile Cataract. International Journal of health Sciences and Research. 2012 |
44 | Community Medicine | Original | Harshal Kawanpure, Study on infant feeding practice among children up to 6 months in an urban slum of Bhopal. Public Health Review – International Journal of Public Health Research. 2021 |
45 | Community Medicine | Original | Harshal Kawanpure, Face mask usage during COVID -19 pandemic in a rural population of Madhya Pradesh : A knowledge, attitude and practice study. Public Health Review – International Journal of Public Health Research. 2021 |
46 | Community Medicine | Original | Harshal Kawanpure, Estimation of serum Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) level in sickle cell disease (SCD) and its association with reticulocyte count in rural population of Chhattisgarh state. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research. 2017 |
47 | Community Medicine | Original | Rahul S Pillai, Assessment of Knowledge of Foot Care among Diabetic Patients: A Community based study in South Kerala. Annals of Community health. 2021 |
48 | Community Medicine | Original | A Study On The Bacteriological Profile Of Urinary Tract Infection In Adults And Their Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Central Kerala – International Journal of research in medical sciences vol5,issue2:p666-669 February 2017. |
49 | Community Medicine | Original | Vani Srinivas, T.L.N Prasad, Rajesh T Patil, Sunil D Khaparde; Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection among primigravida, in Karnataka; Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Dec;5(12):5448-5454. |
50 | Otorhinolaryngology | Case Report | Ciju Kunjumon George, Sharanabasappa Rudragouda Malipatil, Jathin Sam Thekethil, Betsy Mathew; A rare case of acute necrotizing otitis media; OJOLHNS.2017.11.2.14. |
51 | Community Medicine | Original | Rahul S Pillai, Functional limitation among older adults in a rural area in South Kerala and its associated factors. Journal of Indian academy of Geriatrics. 2023 |
52 | Community Medicine | Original | Rahul S Pillai, Prevalence of Multimorbidity and associated socio demographic factors among Elderly population in a rural area in south Kerala. Journal of Surgical Specialties and Rural Practice. 2023 |
53 | Community Medicine | Original | Rahul S Pillai, Assessment of Knowledge, attitude and anxiety among junior resident doctors in India with respect to the COVID 19 pandemic. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. 2023 |
54 | Community Medicine | Original | Aparna Padmanabhan, Nipah outbreak in Kerala, South India: Ethical Challenges in the deployment of Health care workers. 2020 |
55 | Community Medicine | Case Report | Aparna Padmanabhan, Epidemiological study of COVID 19 in a tertiary care centre of South India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2022 |
56 | Community Medicine | Case Report | Pradheesh C B, A case series on COVID 19 infection and avascular necrosis of hip. Journal of Orthopedics Report. 2022 |
57 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, Trends of leptospirosis cases in a tertiary care center in Northern Kerala during January 2013 to October International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2020 |
58 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, Quality of life of institutionalized elderly in an urban area of North Kerala, India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2020 |
59 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, Secondary attack rate of COVID-19: analysis of contacts of COVID- 19 cases admitted in a tertiary care centre, Northern district of Kerala, India-a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2020 |
60 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, Incubation period of COVID-19: analysis of COVID-19 cases admitted in a tertiary care center, northern district of Kerala, India, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2021 |
61 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, COVID-19: timely action to prevent local transmission: a success story from Kannur District, Kerala, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public health, 2021. |
62 | Community Medicine | Original | Malavika Sachith, What is the nutritive value of commonly consumed processed foods and snacks available in the online market in India. Teikyo medical journal. 2021 |
63 | Community Medicine | Original | Malavika Sachith, Stress and its association with involvement in online classes: A cross sectional study among undergraduate students of a medical college in South India, F1000 Research, 2022 |
64 | Community Medicine | Original | Sahya S Dev, Exposure risk and COVID 19 infection among frontline health care workers: a single tertiary care center experience. Clinical epidemiology and global health. 2021 |
65 | Community Medicine | Case Report | Sahya S Dev, Viral encephalitis post vaccination COVID 19 – a case report, International journal of biomedicine and public health, 2021 |
66 | Community Medicine | Case Report | Sahya S Dev, Healthcare workers infected with COVID 19 in a tertiary care center in Kerala. International journal of biomedicine and public health. 2021 |
67 | Community Medicine | Original | Sahya S Dev, Post vaccination symptoms of Covishield vaccine among frontline workers of a tertiary care center in Pathanamthitta district. Indian journal of community medicine. 2022 |
68 | Community Medicine | Original | Sonu Soman A, Exposure risk and COVID 19 infection among front line health care workers: A single tertiary care centre experience. Clinical Epidemiology and global health. 2022. |
69 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, Incubation period of COVID-19: analysis of COVID-19 cases admitted in a tertiary care center, northern district of Kerala, India, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2021 |
70 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, COVID-19: timely action to prevent local transmission: a success story from Kannur District, Kerala, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public health, 2021. |
71 | Community Medicine | Original | Malavika Sachith, What is the nutritive value of commonly consumed processed foods and snacks available in the online market in India. Teikyo medical journal. 2021 |
72 | Community Medicine | Original | Malavika Sachith, Stress and its association with involvement in online classes: A cross sectional study among undergraduate students of a medical college in South India, F1000 Research, 2022 |
73 | Community Medicine | Original | Sahya S Dev, Exposure risk and COVID 19 infection among frontline health care workers: a single tertiary care center experience. Clinical epidemiology and global health. 2021 |
74 | Community Medicine | Original | Anish Jojo Philip, Sahya S Dev, Lovely S Livingston, Rose Mary Thomas, Jubina Bency AT, “Assessment of Stress among medical students visiting a tertiary care hospital of central Kerala, India” JCCPSL, 2023, 29 (2), P. No. 89 – 95 |
75 | Community Medicine | Original | Udaykumar D, Brunda NK, Livingston L, Shetty S, Chivukula S., “Prevalence and Factors Associated With Depression among School Going Adolescents in Bengaluru: A Cross-Sectional Study” IAPSM, 2023, 14 (1), P.No. 41-47 |
76 | Community Medicine | Original | Mohammed Ismail, Frijo Jose A, Vinod V S, Riyas C, “To Determine the Relationship Between Serum Uric acid and Renal Function in Diabetics with Normal Uric Acid Levels”, JCDR, 2022, 13 (4): P.No: 750-756 |
77 | Community Medicine | Original | Anish Jojo Philip, Sahya S Dev, Lovely S Livingston, Rose Mary Thomas, Jubina Bency AT, “Assessment of Stress among medical students visiting a tertiary care hospital of central Kerala, India” JCCPSL, 2023, 29 (2), P. No. 89 – 95 |
78 | Community Medicine | Original | Rahul S. Pillai, Joe Abraham, Jithin Khader, “Assessment of Knowledge of Foot Care among Diabetic Patients: A Community-Based Study in South Kerala” AoCH;2021; 9 (1), P.No. 01-05 |
79 | Community Medicine | Original | Saritha Susan Vargese, Nisha Kurian, Elsheba Mathew, Aarya Serin Raju, Jitin Khader, Rahul S Pillai, “Short Comprehensive Multimodal Behavioural Intervention for Tuberculosis—Can it be Effectively Incorporated in Tribal Health?”, J. racial ethn. health disparities, 2022; 10(2): P. No. 542-552 |
80 | Community Medicine | Original | Rahul S. Pillai, Sherin Susan Paul, “Functional Limitation among Older Adults in a Rural Area in South Kerala and its Associated Factors”, JIAG, 2023; 19 (1): P.No. 42-46 |
81 | Community Medicine | Original | Sahya S Dev, Joe Abraham, Rahul S Pillai, “Assessment of knowledge, attitude and anxiety among junior resident doctors in India during COVID-19 Pandemic”, JCCPSL, 2023; 29 (2), P.No. 104- 113 |
82 | Community Medicine | Original | Sarkar R, Kawanpure H, “Study on infant feeding practice among children up to 6 months in an urban slum of Bhopal”, IJPHR, 2021, 8 (3): P.No: 39-44 |
83 | Community Medicine | Original | Kawanpure H, Gandhe M, “Face mask usage during COVID-19 pandemic in rural population of Madhya Pradesh: A knowledge, attitude and practice study” IJPHR, 2021, 8 (5): P.No. 78-85 |
84 | Community Medicine | Original | Mahendra Gandhe, Harshal Kawanpure2, A. P. Dongre, Swapnali Gandhe, “Estimation of serum Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) level in sickle cell disease (SCD) and its association with reticulocyte count in a rural population of Chhattisgarh state”, IJCBR, 2018; 5 (1): P.No. 85-90 |
85 | Community Medicine | Original | Harshal Kawanpure, Amit R Ugargol, Padmanabha B.V, “A Study to Assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Swine Flu”, IJHSR, 2014, 4 (8): P.No: 6-11 |
86 | Community Medicine | Original | Kamin Moyong, Harshal Kawanpure, Prathamesh Kamble, Tempo Kaleon, B.V. Padmanabha, “Study on Oxidative Stress in Senile Cataract”, IJHSR, 2012, 2 (4): P.No. 8-12 |
87 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, Jayasree Anandabhavan Kumaran, “Quality of life of institutionalized elderly in an urban area of North Kerala, India”, IJCMPH, 2020; 7 (12): P.No. 4986-4992 |
88 | Community Medicine | Original | Anitha S. Saraswathy, Rameela Sanya, Jayasree A. Kumaran, “Secondary attack rate of COVID-19: analysis of contacts of COVID-19 cases admitted in a tertiary care centre, Northern district of Kerala, India-a cross-sectional study”, IJCMPH, 2020; 7 (12): P.No. 5111-5114 |
89 | Community Medicine | Original | Anitha Subhadra Saraswathy, Rameela Sanya, Jayasree Anandabhavan Kumaran, “Incubation period of COVID-19: analysis of COVID-19 cases admitted in a tertiary care center, northern district of Kerala, India”, IJCMPH, 2021; 8 (5): P.No. 2451-2454 |
90 | Community Medicine | Original | Anitha Subhadra Saraswathy, Ameena Subair Raheela, Rameela Sanya, Veena Vandichalil Morakkan, Bejoy Chalil Paleri, Murali Koppentavida, Steena Kuriakose, Deepak Rajan, Shaj Mullankandy Konoth, Preetha Muduvana, Jayasree Anandabhavan Kumaran, Narayana Naik, Sanoj Akkanissery Koomullil, Nithin Radhakrishnan, Rahul Kizhakkemadathil Rajagopalan, “COVID-19: timely action to prevent local transmission: a success story from Kannur District, Kerala”, IJCMPH, 2021, 8 (4): P.No. 1885-1891 |
91 | Community Medicine | Original | Rameela Sanya, Jayasree Anandabhavan Kumaran, “Trends of leptospirosis cases in a tertiary care center in Northern Kerala during January 2013 to October 2019”, IJCMPH, 2020; 7 (9): P.No. 3397-3402 |
92 | Community Medicine | Original | M. Jyothiprasanth, C.R. Jithin, Anita Vincent, Akhil K Thomas, C.B. Pratheesh, P. Sarang, “A case series on Covid-19 infection and avascular necrosis of hip”, Journal of Orthopaedic Reports 2, 2023, 2 (1) P. No. 01-03 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Clinical Profile and outcome of snake bite en – Venomation in children A Retrospective study in a tertiary care centre KIMS Narketpally, Vermala Murali Krishnan, Assocaite Professor of Forensic Medicine, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh, Soren C. |
2 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Pshychiatric Co-Morbdity in Delibrate self harm patient at rural medical College of South India, Vermala Murali Krishnan, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh. |
3 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Estimation of Structure from foot Length of school age group children in Telugana State, Vermala Murali Krishnan, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh. |
4 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Married Mens Suicide: a Silent Epidemic In India, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh, Vermala Murali Krishnan, Gunti Damodar. |
5 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Devassy S, Jacob J, Varghese PS. Nail Growth rate an aid in forensic investigations. J Punjab Acad Forensic Med Toxicol. 2015, 15(1), 17-19. |
6 | Forensic Medicine | Original | C. Devassy S. Sexual Sadism: ‘ The elephant in the room.” Indian Journal of health Sexuality & Culture. 2019, Vol 5, Issue. |
7 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Leg Massage by mother resulting in Fatal Pulmonary Thromboembolism, Chittaranjan behera, Shinto Devassy, Asit R Mridha, Mohit Chauhan and Sudhir K Gupta. |
8 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Hyperntensive fall turning into a homicidal Smothering, Shinto Devassy, Vanika, Arulselvi Subramanian. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Microbiology | Original | A Bacteriological Study of Post Operative Wound Infections and it’s Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern from a Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore, India Shreeram. A. Deshpande*, R. Someshwaran and K. Gnanaprakash. |
3 | Microbiology | Original | A study of extended spectrum ?-Lactamase (ESBL) producing Klebsiella from pus & urine samples from a tertiary care medical college hospital in Coimbatore 1 Dr Shreeram A Deshpande, 2Nachammai SM, 3 Kousalya Murugesan, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72, Volume 3; Issue 6; June 2016; Page No. 262-266. |
4 | Microbiology | Original | A Bacteriological Profile of Extended Spectrum ?-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Klebsiella from Pus & Urine Samples From A Tertiary Care Medical College Hospital in Kerala. Dr. Shreeram Astic Deshpande* , Dr. Divya MB, Dr. Chithira KG Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology P.K. DAS Institute of Medical Sciences, Vaniamkulam, Kerala India, Abbreviated Key Title: Saudi J Pathol Microbiol ISSN 2518-3362, *Corresponding author: Dr. Shreeram Astic Deshpande. |
5 | Microbiology | Original | Study of correlation between Virulence Factors and Drug Resistance in Enterococci at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry. Dr. L. RAVICHANDRAN (2) PREVALENCE OF VIRULENCE FACTORS AMONG CLINICAL ISOLATES OF ENTEROCOCCUS SPP. |RAVICHANDRAN L, UMADEVI S, PRAMODHINI S, SRIRANGARAJ S, SEETHA KS. |
6 | Microbiology | Original | T S Shylaja, A Mohan Kumar, Rajan J Payyappill; Emerging trends in the anti microbial resistance among uropathogens; Indian Journal of Microbiology Research; January-March, 2018; 5(1): 47-51. |
7 | Microbiology | Original | Vinoba S, Rashmi K S; Detection of metallobetalactamase producing imipenem resistant acinetobacter species in intensive care unit patient in a Tertiary Care Centre; Indian Journal of Microbiology Research, January-March, 2018;5(1):132-137. |
8 | Microbiology | Original | L Ravichandran, S Umadevi, S Pramodhini, S Srirangaraj “Study of Correlation between Virulence Factors and Drug Resistance among the Clinical Isolates of Enterococci”, AJMR, 2021; 10 (4): P.No. 1-4 |
9 | Microbiology | Original | Sathyajith R, Ravichandran L, R.C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Bacterial Isolates in Urinary Tract Infection among Pregnant Women”, JCDR, 2019; 10 (2): P.No. 87-91 |
10 | Microbiology | Original | Sathyajith R, Ravichandran L, R.C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment Of Prevalence Of P. Aeruginosa And Antibiotic Sensitivity From Respiratory Samples”, EJMCM, 2019; 6 (1): P.No. 669-672 |
11 | Microbiology | Original | Rajesh, T.P., S. Vani, K.A. Faisal and Shailaja, T.S. 2018. Trend in Sero-Prevalence of Dengue Infection in Rural Kerala, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(08): 249-256. |
12 | Microbiology | Original | Rajesh, T.P., S. Vani, K.A. Faisal and Shailaja, T.S. 2018. Prevalence and Susceptibility Pattern of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Rural Kerala: A Tertiary Care Hospital Study. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(08): 1219-1226. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Pathology | Original | “Polyp with in Gastric diverticulam” Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2006, Vol 25,July-Aug 2005. |
2 | Pathology | Original | Cranial Neuropathy and Bone Involvment in Primary Systemic Amylodosis” JAPI Vol 54 July 2006. |
3 | Pathology | Original | Anusha Anish, Serena PA, Annamala PT, Mukkadan JK. Anti-inflammatory activity of oxycarotenoid extracts isolated from coriander leaves (Coriandrum sativum) and curry leaves (Murraya koenigii) on carrageenan induced acute inflammation in rats J Clinical Diagnostic Res. 2021,15(1):13-16. |
4 | Pathology | Original | Anusha Anish, Serena PA, Annamala PT, Mukkadan JK : Anti-mutagenic activity of oxycarotenoid-rich extracts isolated from Coriandrum sativum and Murraya koenigii. Asia Pacific J Cancer Biology. 2020;5(4):147 – 152. |
5 | Pathology | Original | Anusha Anish, Serena PA, Annamala PT, Mukkadan JK. Screening of sixteen commonly consumed green leafy vegetables for carotenoids. Int J Med Res Health Sciences; 2020,9(12):79-88. |
6 | Pathology | Original | Anusha Anish, Serena PA, Annamala PT, Mukkadan JK. Quantification of phytochemical constituents in sixteen commonly consumed green leafy vegetables. |
7 | Pathology | Original | Anusha AM, Rajan S, Annamala PT, Govindanunni T. Correlation between plasma myeloperoxidase and hs-troponin I, C-reactive protein and CKMB in acute coronary syndrome. Int J Adv Med 2020;7:809-13. |
8 | Pathology | Original | Dr Anusha A.M, Annamala P.T. Malignant Vulvar Melanoma: A Rare Case Report. J of Med Science & Clinical Research, 2019;7(8):439-441. |
9 | Pathology | Original | Mohammed Shakir Ali, Sarita Nair: Diagnostic utility of Eosinophilia in mixed Anaemia (Dual Deficiency Anaemia) International journal of current medical and applied sciences; 2018, 18(2), 34—39. |
10 | Pathology | Original | Histopathological study of Hysterectomy specimens in a tertiary care centre: study of 520 cases, Sarita Nair, Naisargi Patel. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Pharmacology | Original | Adverse effect profile of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in hiv positive patients – a prospective study, Andis C. Joseph, K. B. Sanalkumar, C. S. Bharathan, M. A. Andrews, K. Ajithkumar. |
2 | Pharmacology | Original | Randomized double blind placebo controlled trial to assess the efficacy and tolerability of levosulpiride in dysmotility type of functional dyspepsia, Lima Koruthara Mohanan, Bharathan Cherussery Sankaran. |
3 | Pharmacology | Original | Lovelyn Joseph Puthillath R, Rao SN. Drug Interaction analysis-Nigella sativa L.seed (Black Cumin) ethanolic extract on antiseizure activity of Phenobarbitone sodium. AJMS. 2020;11:18-20.2. |
4 | Pharmacology | Original | Joseph L, Puthillath R, Rao SN. Antagonistic Effect of Nigella Sativa L Seed (Black Cumin) Ethanolic Extracts on Antiseizure Activity of Carbamazepine in Maximal Electroshock Induced Seizure in mice. Med Int J of Pharmacology. 2020;3:10-2. |
5 | Pharmacology | Original | Joseph L, Rejeesh EP, Rao SN. Acute and chronic toxicity study of Valeriana wallichii rhizome hydro-ethanolic extract in Swiss albino mice. AJMS. 2016;7:49-54. |
6 | Pharmacology | Original | Rajeesh EP, Joseph L, Kademane K, Rao SN. Anticonvulsant activity of Nigella sativa, Aegle marmelos and Benincasa hispida in Pentylenetetrazole induced seizure in Swiss albino mice. AJMS. 2016;7:97-102.5. |
7 | Pharmacology | Original | Kumar MD, Adiga S, Lewis LE, Tripathy A. A prospective study of anti-microbial utilization and cost pattern analysis in the treatment of neonatal sepsis in a tertiary care hospital. IJPCR. 2016;7:291-5. |
8 | Pharmacology | Original | Kuriachan S, Kumar MD, Bharathan CS. Clinical profile and therapeutic outcome of Falciparum malaria patients in a tertiary care hospital. Med Int J of Pharmacology. 2020;13:23-7. |
9 | Pharmacology | Original | Lovelyn Joseph, Rejeesh Edavan Puthallath, Sundarshanram Narayan Rao.Acute and chronic toxicity study of Valeriana wallichii rhizome hydro-ethanolic extract in Swiss albino mice.Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Mar-Apr 2016 | Vol 7 | Issue 2. |
10 | Pharmacology | Original | Rejeesh Edavan Puthillath, Lovelyn Joseph, Kumaraswamy Kademane, Sundarshanram Narayan Rao. Anticonvulsant activity of Nigella sativa, Aegle marmelos and Benincasa hispida in Pentylenetetrazole induced seizure in Swiss albino mice.Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | May-Jun 2016 | Vol 7 | Issue 3. |
11 | Pharmacology | Original | Indu M Raja, Lovely Joseph, “Effect Of Vaginally Administered Glyceryl Trinitrate Placebo On Cervical Ripening Prior To Induction Of Labor In Overdue Pregnancies”, AJMR, 2021; 10 (2); P.No. 1-4 |
12 | Pharmacology | Original | Haque IM, Mishra A, Kalra BS, Chawla S, “Role of Standardized Plant Extracts in Controlling Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome—An Experimental Study. Brain Sciences”, 2021; 11(7): P.No.01-14 |
13 | Pharmacology | Original | Roy V, Tayal V, Haque I, Ahmad J, Verma K, Singh V, “Pharmacovigilance Activities in Maulana Azad Medical College and Associated Hospitals: A Step towards Patient Safety”, MAMCJ Med Sci, 2023; 9 (1): P.No. 64-79 |
14 | Pharmacology | Original | Jain A, Haque I, Tayal V, Roy V., “Valproic acid-induced acute pancreatitis”, Indian J Psychiatry, 2019; 61 (4): P.No.421-422 |
15 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, Parashivamurthy B M, “A Study on Pediatric Pharmacovigilance in a Tertiary care Hospital” JCDR, 2023; 14 (3): P.No. 663- 667 |
16 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, Parashivamurthy B M, “A Study Assessing Prescription Pattern of Antiviral drugs in Tertiary Care Hospital” JCDR, 2023; 14(1): P.No. 3843-3847 |
17 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, “Assessment of Prescription Pattern of Antibiotics among Patients in Tertiary Care Hospital” JCDR, 2021; 12 (7): P.No. 2643-2647 |
18 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R “Evaluation of Prescription Pattern of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Tertiary Care Hospital”, JCDR, 2021; 12 (4): P.No. 2397-2401 |
19 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, Parashivamurthy B M, “Prescribing pattern of antidiabetic drugs in type II diabetes mellitus in tertiary care hospital”, JAMDSR, 2016; 4 (1): P.No. 212-215 |
20 | Pharmacology | Original | Regina Roy, Alice Kuruvilla, Ravi Indla, Thangam Chinnathambi, Ravin Vijay R and Pallavi Kulkarni, “The Effectiveness of Role-Play Videos as an Auxiliary Tool to Teach Pharmacology to Medical under Graduates and to Assess Their Perception”, JRMEE, 2020; 10 (1): P.No. 26-34 |
21 | Pharmacology | Original | Gurudeva C, Pallavi Kulkarni, Ravin Vijay R, Thangam Chinnathambi, Indla Ravi, Regina Roy, Alice Kuruvilla, “Perceptions of Medical Students Regarding Learning during Practical Sessions in Pharmacology – A Cross Sectional Questionnaire Based Study” IJMSE, 2019; 6 (4): P.No. 12-20 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Effect of yoga on sympathetic nervous system of human body Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2019;6(4):391-395. |
2 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Relationship of blood pressure with QTc interval and C- reactive protein International Journal of Integrative medical sciences,2019, Vol 6(3), 797-801. |
3 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Effect of yoga on parasympathetic nervous system of human body Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2019;6(4):492-496. |
4 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Conjugate lateral eye movement (CLEMs) as an index of cerebral functional laterality. International Physiology 6(3), September- December 2018 195-199. |
5 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Motor performance of dominant and non- dominant hand in right-handed and left- handed children Journal of medical science and clinical research Vol 6, Issue 9, 144-149, September 2018. |
6 | Physiology | Original | Arati Anand Amin and Renu R Raj Prevalence of Stress among First Year Medical Students and Factors Influencing It: A Single Centre Questionnaire Based Study 2021;4(8):232-235 |
7 | Physiology | Original | Renu R Raj Basal Tone of Blood Vessel: Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP) Dependent or Not? An Experiment with Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Inhibitor Vol 7, Issue 3 |
8 | Physiology | Original | Renu R Raj Epidemiological Trends and Clinicomycological Profile of Chronic Dermatophytosis: A Descriptive Study From South India |
9 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Effect of yoga on sympathetic nervous system of human body Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2019;6(4):391-395. |
10 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Relationship of blood pressure with QTc interval and C- reactive protein International Journal of Integrative medical sciences,2019, Vol 6(3), 797-801. |
11 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Effect of yoga on parasympathetic nervous system of human body Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2019;6(4):492-496. |
12 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Conjugate lateral eye movement (CLEMs) as an index of cerebral functional laterality. International Physiology 6(3), September- December 2018 195-199. |
13 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Motor performance of dominant and non- dominant hand in right-handed and left- handed children Journal of medical science and clinical research Vol 6, Issue 9, 144-149, September 2018. |
14 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Effect of yoga on sympathetic nervous system of human body Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2019;6(4):391-395. |
15 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Relationship of blood pressure with QTc interval and C- reactive protein International Journal of Integrative medical sciences,2019, Vol 6(3), 797-801. |
16 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Effect of yoga on parasympathetic nervous system of human body Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2019;6(4):492-496. |
17 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Conjugate lateral eye movement (CLEMs) as an index of cerebral functional laterality. International Physiology 6(3), September- December 2018 195-199. |
18 | Physiology | Original | M. Mahantha Motor performance of dominant and non- dominant hand in right-handed and left- handed children Journal of medical science and clinical research Vol 6, Issue 9, 144-149, September 2018. |
20 | Physiology | Original | Arati Amin, Kumar Sai Sailesh, Archana R, Udaya Kumar Reddy,Mukkadan J. Evaluation of work stress in health care receptionists: A cross sectional study. Asian Pac. J. Health Sci., 2016; 3 (2):1-4. |
21 | Physiology | Original | Arati Amin, Kumar Sai Sailesh, Archana R, Udaya Kumar Reddy,Mukkadan J. Evaluation of work stress in health care receptionists: A cross sectional study. Asian Pac. J. Health Sci., 2016; 3 (2):1-4. |
22 | Physiology | Original | Arati Amin, Kumar Sai Sailesh, Soumya Mishra, Udaya Kumar Reddy, Mukkadan J K. Teaching aids and teaching methods in Neuro- Physiology: Views of Post graduate students. Asian Pac. J. Health Sci., 2015; 2(4):149-151. |
23 | Physiology | Original | Amin A, Kumar Sai Sailesh, Mishra S, Reddy UK, N. Sriram, Mukkadan J K. Effects of fasting during Ramadan month on depression, anxiety and stress and cognition. International Journal of Medical Research and Review.May, 2016/ Vol 4/Issue 5. |
24 | Physiology | Original | Arati Amin, Sai Sailesh Kumar, Archana Rajagopalan, Supriya Rajan, Soumya Mishra, Udaya Kumar ,Reddy, Joseph Kurien Mukkadan.Beneficial effects of OM chanting on depression, anxiety, stress and cognition in elderly women with hypertension.Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, July-September 2016;3(3);253-255. |
25 | Pathology | Original | Ashwini Ramji, “Evaluation of Role of CTLA4 Immunohistochemistry in the Diagnosis of Colon Cancers”, IJPCR, 2023; 15 (7): P.No. 226-229 |
26 | Pathology | Original | Ashwini Ramji, “Assessment of mismatch repair protein deficiency assessed by immunohistochemistry in sporadic colorectal carcinoma”, EJMCM, 2023; 10 (1): P.No. 1888-1892 |
27 | Pathology | Original | Dr. P.S. Mulay, Dr. Soundarajan Rama, Dr. S.A. Deshpande. Histopathological Spectrum of Endometrium in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women in a Teritary Care Center. 2019; 7(12): 116-123. |
28 | Pathology | Original | Dr. P.S. Mulay, Dr. Soundarajan Rama, Dr. S.A. Deshpande, Dr.M.M. Mattawar. Spectrum of Colorectal Cancers ina Teritary Care Centre – A Clinico- Pathological Correlation. 2018; 6(2): 635-639. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | General Medicine | Original | Vijith Kumar Kuttat Arun Suresh Menon Vinod V. S. A study on clinical profile of seronegative spondyloarthropathy in North Kerala. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016;3(70), 3793-3797. |
2 | General Medicine | Original | Menon AS, Vinod VS, Nimisha V, et al. Study of lipoprotein (a) levels as a risk factor in patients with essential hypertension in a tertiary care hospital. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3(52), 2651-2654. |
3 | General Medicine | Original | Kenny Thomas. Retrospective & Prospective study of ‘CT Scan findings in pts.with CNS Tuberculosis’ – 60 pts. with Tuberculous Meningitis & Tuberculomas. |
4 | General Medicine | Original | Kenny Thomas. Clinical Profile of patients with Intracranial Tuberculosis. |
5 | General Medicine | Original | Kenny Thomas. Evaluation if the impact of Power point presentations to Learning Outcomes of MBBS students in Covid Pandemic times. |
6 | General Medicine | Original | Kenny Thomas. A Prospective Study of 450 patients with Modifiable CardioVascular Risk Factors with CV outcome analyses. |
7 | General Medicine | Original | Kenny Thomas. Study of clinical profiles of pts. Presenting with Hypokalemia & Hyperkalemia. |
8 | General Medicine | Original | Vijith Kumar Kuttat Arun Suresh Menon Vinod V. S. A study on clinical profile of seronegative spondyloarthropathy in North Kerala. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016;3(70), 3793-3797. |
9 | General Medicine | Original | Menon AS, Vinod VS, Nimisha V, et al. Study of lipoprotein (a) levels as a risk factor in patients with essential hypertension in a tertiary care hospital. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3(52), 2651-2654. |
10 | General Medicine | Original | Mohammed Ismail, Frijo Jose A, Riyas C, Shinos T, “Determine the Mortality in Diabetics with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction”, JCDR, 2022; 13 (4): P.No. 745-749 |
12 | General Medicine | Original | Mohammed Ismail, Frijo Jose A, Vinod V S, Riyas C, “To Determine the Relationship Between Serum Uric acid and Renal Function in Diabetics with Normal Uric Acid Levels”, JCDR, 2022, 13 (4): P.No: 750-756 |
13 | General Medicine | Original | Mohammed Ismail, Frijo Jose A, Riyas C, Shinos T, “Determine the Mortality in Diabetics with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction”, JCDR, 2022; 13 (4): P.No. 745-749 |
14 | General Medicine | Original | Nehal Kunjumoidu P, Amruth Raj, Prakash S, Mohammed Shaheer A M, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Thyroid function in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without nephropathy and with nephropathy”, JCDR, 2022, 13 (8): P.No. 2902-2906 |
15 | General Medicine | Original | Amruth Raj, Prakash S, Mohammed Shaheer A M, Nehal Kunjumoidu P, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of the Standardized Reference Range for HOMA – IR among Apparently Normal Population of Ottappalam”, JCDR, 2023; 14 (5): 593-597 |
16 | General Medicine | Original | Nikitha, K, Sureshbabu, Sachin, Anoof, P, “An Unusual Cause of Recurrent Meningitis in a 17-Year-Old Girl”, Indian Journal of Rheumatology, 2020, 15 (3): P. No. 239-241 |
17 | General Medicine | Original | Nikitha K,Sureshbabu, Sachin,, Bhasi, Remesh, “Sreevidya, L. KA neuro-immunological cocktail” IJAM, 2020; 6 (4): P.No. 316-319 |
18 | General Medicine | Original | Sachin Sureshbabu, Nikitha K, Sudhir Peter, Sobhana Chindrippu, Merisin Joseph, Abdurehiman K P, “Isolated H Reflex Abnormality as the Sole Electrophysiological Marker of Demyelinating Neuropathy at Day -14- A Novel Observation”, SJMCR, 2021,;9 (05): P.No. 540-541 |
19 | General Medicine | Original | Mohamed Salahuddin, Mohammed Shaji P P, “Assessment of Prevalence of Microalbuminuria in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, AJMR, 2019; 8 (3): P.No. 33-35 |
20 | General Medicine | Original | Mohamed Salahuddin, Mohammed Shaji P P “Identifying the Risk Factors Associated With Microalbuminuria in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, AJMR, 2019; 8 (4): P.No. 53-56 |
21 | General Medicine | Original | Mohamed Salahuddin, Mohammed Shaji P P, “Assessment of Prevalence of Microalbuminuria in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, AJMR, 2019; 8 (3): P.No. 33-35 |
22 | General Medicine | Original | Mohamed Salahuddin, Mohammed Shaji P P “Identifying the Risk Factors Associated With Microalbuminuria in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, AJMR, 2019; 8 (4): P.No. 53-56 |
23 | General Medicine | Original | Nehal Kunjumoidu P, Amruth Raj, Prakash S, Mohammed Shaheer A M, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Thyroid function in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without nephropathy and with nephropathy”, JCDR, 2022, 13 (8): P.No. 2902-2906 |
24 | General Medicine | Original | Amruth Raj, Prakash S, Mohammed Shaheer A M, Nehal Kunjumoidu P, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of the Standardized Reference Range for HOMA – IR among Apparently Normal Population of Ottappalam”, JCDR, 2023; 14 (5): 593-597 |
25 | General Medicine | Original | Nehal Kunjumoidu P, Amruth Raj, Prakash S, Mohammed Shaheer A M, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Thyroid function in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without nephropathy and with nephropathy”, JCDR, 2022, 13 (8): P.No. 2902-2906 |
26 | General Medicine | Original | Amruth Raj, Prakash S, Mohammed Shaheer A M, Nehal Kunjumoidu P, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of the Standardized Reference Range for HOMA – IR among Apparently Normal Population of Ottappalam”, JCDR, 2023; 14 (5): 593-597 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Pharmacology | Original | Vishnu R, Krishnan R; Preclinical evaluation of antirheumatoid effect of chrysin in fruend’s complete adjuvant induced arthritis in wistar albino rats; Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2018 : 4 (1): 74-78. |
2 | Otorhinolaryngology | Case Report | Sharanabasappa Rudragouda Malipatil, Ciju Kunjumon George, Isha Vidisha, Ravindra kumar Ningappa Karadi; Aberrant thyroid in the parapharyngeal space; Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck surgery; Vol. 26 No. 1 April, 2018. |
3 | Dermatology | Original | Mikhin George Thomas, Sukumaran Pradeep Nair; MRSA in dermatology in patients with a vesiculobullous disorder; CUTIS. 2018 June; 101 (6): 458-461. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Microbiology/Community Medicine | Original | T P Rajesh, S Vani, K A Faisal, T S Shylaja; Trend in sero- prevalence of Dengue infection in rural kerala, India; Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2018) 7(8): 249-256. |
2 | Microbiology/Community Medicine | Original | T P Rajesh, S Vani, K A Faisal, T S Shylaja; Prevalence and susceptibility pattern of Methicillin resistant staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in rural kerala: A teritiary care hospital study; Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2018) 7(8): 1219- 1226. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Orthopaedics | Original | Arun Gopalakrishnan, Sreesobh K.V., Jijo Jose; Management of neglected femur neck fractures treated with non vascularized fibular graft; Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery, April-June, 2018;4(2):160-164. |
2 | Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | Original | Ramesh C, Viswakanth B; Autopsy study of death due to fall from height: A three year prospective study; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology; Vol 12 Issue 3: 320-323. |
3 | Biochemistry / Pharmacology | Original | Santhosh Viswan , Vishnu Radhakrishnan, Jagathlal P C , C S Bharathan , Dona Devasia; Awareness of BMI and life style including physical activity, food habits and personal history among first year medical students at a rural medical college setup in Kerala; MedPulse International Journal of Biochemistry, Volume 7, Issue 2, August 2018 pp 21-23. |
4 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | P Thulasi, Balakrishnan R, Shanthi M; Correlation of endometrial thickness by trans vaginal sonography (TVS) and histoPathology in women with abnormal perimenopausal and post menopausal bleeding- A prospective study; Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research; January- March, 2018; 5(1): 44-48. |
5 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | Hema Warrier, Sharada.K, Ajay kumar Reddy, Bala chandran.P, Prabhakar Reddy.E, “CALCIUM AND HYPOVITAMINOSIS D AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN AND THEIR NEWBORNS IN SOUTH INDIAN POPULATIONâ€, IJSR, 2018, 7 (3): P.No. 63-65 |
6 | Dentistry | Original | Sujeev N, Shamil Mohamed, Thulasi P, Jothipriya B, Amala P Mohan, R C Krishna Kumar, “ASSESSMENT OF SERUM AND SAL?VARY LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE AND UR?C AC?D LEVELS ?N ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARC?NOMA PAT?ENT”, JCDR, 2022; 13 (8): P.No. 523-528 |
7 | Dentistry | Original | Sujeev N, Shamil Mohamed, Jothipriya B, Thulasi P, Amala P Mohan, R C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Effect of Intra-Socket Ketamine and Tramadol in Third Molar Surgery” JCDR. 2022; 13 (8): P.No. 529-533 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Radiology | Original | Suresh K M, James N, Rodriguez M J et al; Assessment of vaginal vault parameters in stratified age groups and its social relevance in a south indian population; J.Evid.Based.Med.HealthC. 2018;5(44), 3066-3069, DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2018/626. |
2 | Radiology | Original | Suresh K M, Rodriguez M J; Role of ultrasonography and contrast enhanced CT in detection of focal liver lesions in a rural south Indian population; J.Evid.Based.Med.HealthC.2018; 5 (42), 2950-2956, DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2018/603. |
3 | Pathology/ General Surgery/ Radiodiagnosis | Case Report | Libin Babu Cherian etal; Primary cavernous hemangioma of the thyroid- “An infrequent case with an unusual presentation”; JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2018. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | P. Thulasi, Rebecca Ratnam. Maternal and Foetal Outcome of Vaginal Birth after Caesarean section.;3(35).1714-1720. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/383. |
2 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | P. Thulasi, Rebecca Ratnam.Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy for Benign Gynaecological Disease – A prospective Study.;3(35).1687-1690. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/378. |
3 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | Dr. P. Thulasi, Dr. Balakrishnan R. , Dr. Shanthi M. correlation of endometrial thickness by transvaginal Sonography (TVS) and histoPathology in women with abnormal perimenopausal and posmenopausal bleeding – prospective study Indian Jounal of Obstetrics and gynaecology research . Vol 5, Issue I. |
4 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | Dr. P. Thulasi, Dr. Balakrishnan R. , Dr. Shanthi M. Comparitive study of oral versus Vaginal Misoprostol 25 mcg for induction of labour at term in a medical college hospital in south India – prospective study Indian Jounal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology research . Vol 4, Issue 4. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | General Medicine | Original | Vinod VS , Vijith Kumar k , Shaji K. S , Vinu thomas . The Prevalence & treatement of Depression in Patients undergoing haemodialysis in a tertiary care centre . 2016;3(52).2713-2717. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/593. |
2 | General Medicine | Original | Vijith kumar kuttat, Arun Suresh Menon , Vinod VS. A study of clinical profile of seronegative spondyloarthropathy in North Kerala. 2016;3(70). 3793-3797. DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2016/812. |
3 | General Medicine | Original | Arun S Menon , Vinod V. S, Nimisha V, Lavanya Madhavan. Study of lipoprotein (A) Levels as a risk factor in patients with essential hypertension in a tertiary care hospital. 2016; 3(52). 2651-2654. DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2016/582. |
4 | Pediatrics | Original | John M, Pulikkan J, Ranjisha K R, Varsha K S, Gireesh M, Grace T. Urine total glutathione levels as a potential marker of increased oxidative stress in autism. Int J Pediatr Res.2016;3(8):629-634.doi:10.17511/ijpr.2016.8.13. |
5 | Pediatrics | Original | John M, Nihaz NK, Jacob Cherian V, Physical activity, sedentary behaviours and eating habits among school children in keralz: Int J Pediatr Res 2016;3(3):165-172. doi:10.17511/ijpr.2016.3.06. |
6 | Pediatrics | Original | John M, Siji CR. A clinical study of children with intussusception. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2016;3:1083-8. |
7 | Pediatrics | Original | Manuel D, John M, Rekha NS. A study on the prevalence of anxiety related disorders among adolescents in rural Kerala. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3(58), 3077- 3079. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/670. |
8 | Pediatrics | Original | Davis Manuel, C. B. Rathore, Alie Alexander. “Clinical, Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Correlates of Drug Resistant Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy”. Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare; Volume 2, Issue 36, September 07, 2015; Page: 5658-5668, DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2015/780. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | General Surgery | Original | Idiopathic segmental Infarction of Omentum; Surgeon’s perspective in comparison with conservative line of management ;New Indian Journal of Surgery. |
2 | General Surgery | Original | Fundus first method with catgut loop for ligation of cystic artery and duct stump: An alternative technique to conversion in difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy. New Indian Journal of Surgery. |
3 | Anesthesiology | Original | RADHIKA KP , SREEJIT MS, RAMADAS KT. Efficacy of Midazolam as oral premedication in children in comparision to triclofos sodium . Indian J Anaesth 2016;60:415-9. |
4 | Anesthesiology | Original | Hema VR, Ramadas KT , Biji KP , Indu S , Arun A. A Prospective , observational study to evaluate the role of gabapentin as preventive analgesic in thyroidectomy under general anesthesia. |
5 | Anesthesiology | Original | Vineetha P , Ramadas KT , Sajid B , Biji KP. A prospective observational study to assess the efficacy of thoracic epidural anaesthesia for mastectomy. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2017;3(3): AN09-AN 13. |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Orthopaedics | Original | Arun Gopalakrishnan, Sreesobh K.V., Jijo Jose; Management of neglected femur neck fractures treated with non vascularized fibular graft; Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery, April-June, 2018;4(2):160-164. |
2 | Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | Original | Ramesh C, Viswakanth B; Autopsy study of death due to fall from height: A three year prospective study; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology; Vol 12 Issue 3: 320-323. |
3 | Biochemistry / Pharmacology | Original | Santhosh Viswan , Vishnu Radhakrishnan, Jagathlal P C , C S Bharathan , Dona Devasia; Awareness of BMI and life style including physical activity, food habits and personal history among first year medical students at a rural medical college setup in Kerala; MedPulse International Journal of Biochemistry, Volume 7, Issue 2, August 2018 pp 21-23. |
4 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | P Thulasi, Balakrishnan R, Shanthi M; Correlation of endometrial thickness by trans vaginal sonography (TVS) and histoPathology in women with abnormal perimenopausal and post menopausal bleeding- A prospective study; Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research; January- March, 2018; 5(1): 44-48. |
5 | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Original | Hema Warrier, Sharada.K, Ajay kumar Reddy, Bala chandran.P, Prabhakar Reddy.E, “CALCIUM AND HYPOVITAMINOSIS D AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN AND THEIR NEWBORNS IN SOUTH INDIAN POPULATIONâ€, IJSR, 2018, 7 (3): P.No. 63-65 |
6 | Dentistry | Original | Sujeev N, Shamil Mohamed, Thulasi P, Jothipriya B, Amala P Mohan, R C Krishna Kumar, “ASSESSMENT OF SERUM AND SAL?VARY LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE AND UR?C AC?D LEVELS ?N ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARC?NOMA PAT?ENT”, JCDR, 2022; 13 (8): P.No. 523-528 |
7 | Dentistry | Original | Sujeev N, Shamil Mohamed, Jothipriya B, Thulasi P, Amala P Mohan, R C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Effect of Intra-Socket Ketamine and Tramadol in Third Molar Surgery” JCDR. 2022; 13 (8): P.No. 529-533 |
8 | Ophthalmology | Original | Dhanya D, S Pandu, Sujatha V, PallaviB A, Srinivas B, “A Population Based study of Refractive Errors in Children among are Group of 7 – 15 Years”, JEBMHC, 2020; 3 (20): P.No. 815-817 |
9 | Pharmacology | Original | Haque IM, Mishra A, Kalra BS, Chawla S, “Role of Standardized Plant Extracts in Controlling Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome—An Experimental Study. Brain Sciences”, 2021; 11(7): P.No.01-14 |
10 | Pharmacology | Original | Roy V, Tayal V, Haque I, Ahmad J, Verma K, Singh V, “Pharmacovigilance Activities in Maulana Azad Medical College and Associated Hospitals: A Step towards Patient Safety”, MAMCJ Med Sci, 2023; 9 (1): P.No. 64-79 |
11 | Pharmacology | Original | Jain A, Haque I, Tayal V, Roy V., “Valproic acid-induced acute pancreatitis”, Indian J Psychiatry, 2019; 61 (4): P.No.421-422 |
12 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, Parashivamurthy B M, “A Study on Pediatric Pharmacovigilance in a Tertiary care Hospital” JCDR, 2023; 14 (3): P.No. 663- 667 |
13 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, Parashivamurthy B M, “A Study Assessing Prescription Pattern of Antiviral drugs in Tertiary Care Hospital” JCDR, 2023; 14(1): P.No. 3843-3847 |
14 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, “Assessment of Prescription Pattern of Antibiotics among Patients in Tertiary Care Hospital” JCDR, 2021; 12 (7): P.No. 2643-2647 |
15 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R “Evaluation of Prescription Pattern of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Tertiary Care Hospital”, JCDR, 2021; 12 (4): P.No. 2397-2401 |
16 | Pharmacology | Original | Ravin Vijay R, Parashivamurthy B M, “Prescribing pattern of antidiabetic drugs in type II diabetes mellitus in tertiary care hospital”, JAMDSR, 2016; 4 (1): P.No. 212-215 |
17 | Pharmacology | Original | Regina Roy, Alice Kuruvilla, Ravi Indla, Thangam Chinnathambi, Ravin Vijay R and Pallavi Kulkarni, “The Effectiveness of Role-Play Videos as an Auxiliary Tool to Teach Pharmacology to Medical under Graduates and to Assess Their Perception”, JRMEE, 2020; 10 (1): P.No. 26-34 |
18 | Pharmacology | Original | Gurudeva C, Pallavi Kulkarni, Ravin Vijay R, Thangam Chinnathambi, Indla Ravi, Regina Roy, Alice Kuruvilla, “Perceptions of Medical Students Regarding Learning during Practical Sessions in Pharmacology – A Cross Sectional Questionnaire Based Study” IJMSE, 2019; 6 (4): P.No. 12-20 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Forensic Medicine | Original | Nivin George, Rekha T P, Ajith V Asok, “Autopsy based study of hanging and strangulation deaths in South Kerala” IJHCR, 2021; 4 (24): P.No. 512-516 |
2 | Forensic medicine | Original | Nivin George, Shinto Devassy, “Socio-Demographic and Medico-Legal Study of Hanging and Strangulation deaths in South Kerala, IJFCM, 2023; 10 (2): P.No. 76-83 |
3 | Forensic medicine | Original | Nivin George, Shinto Devassy, Veena J S, Rekha T P, “Socio-Demographics and medico- legal study of hanging and strangulation deaths in South Kerala”, IJFCM, 2023, 10 (2), P.No. 76-83 |
4 | Forensic medicine | Original | Nivin George, Rekha T P, Ajith V Asok “Autopsy based study of hanging and strangulation deaths in South Kerala” IJHCR, 2021, 4 (24) P. No. 76-83 |
5 | Forensic medicine | Original | Nivin George, K Sasikala “Histopathological changes in skin and subcutaneous tissues at the ligature site in hanging and strangulation” JIAFM, 2022, 44 (1) P. No. 74- 78 |
6 | Forensic medicine | Original | Ravi Kanth Soni1, Arun Kumar, Mohan Singh Meena, Swapnika Enugala, “Cinemeducation: An auxiliary tool to traditional teaching learning methods for teaching Forensic Medicine to undergraduates”, FMEJ, 2023; 13 (1): P.No. 14-19 |
7 | Forensic medicine | Original | Tyagi Y, Meena MS, Kumar J, Mittal S, Soni R K, “A comparative study of suicidal deaths during the pre-COVID and COVID periods”, SLJFMSL, 2022; 13(2): P.No. 6-13 |
8 | Forensic medicine | Original | Arun Kumar, Luv Sharma, Archana, Gaurav Kaushik, Naresh Saini, Ravi Kanth Soni, Mohan Singh Meena, “Estimation of Sex by Applying Discriminant Function Analysis on Osteo-metric Parameters of Clavicle in Population of Haryana”, JFSM, 2023; 9 (2): P.No. 106-111. |
9 | Forensic medicine | Original | Dr. Jookanty Santosh Kumar, Dr. Ravikanth Soni, Dr. K. Mahesh Kumar, “A Prospective Study on Accidental Poisoning In Pediatric Patients”, SAJB, 2017; 5 (3): P. No. 153-158 |
10 | Forensic medicine | Original | K Parvathi, Ravikanth Soni, “Road Traffic Fatalities: A Retrospective Study” IJFMT, 2017; 11 (2): P.No. 115-118 |
11 | Forensic medicine | Original | K. Parvathi, Ravikanth Soni, Sugatha, M Narayan Reddy, “Study of Frequency Distribution of Corrosive Poisoning Cases Among Females with Special Reference to Dowry Deaths”, IJCMR, 2016; 3 (7): P.No. 1932-1934 |
12 | Forensic medicine | Original | Kandukuri Mahesh Kumar, Ravikanth Soni, Chinthakindi Sravan, Shashi Kiran Kayetha, Sudhir Kumar Vujhini, “ADVERSE REACTIONS OF BLOOD DONATION: A PROSPECTIVE OBSERVATIONAL STUDY”, JEMDS, 2014; 3 (13): P.No. 3367-3377 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Pediatrics | Original | Deepa S N, Shajahan R A, Vidhya Shankari, Ebin Roshan Paul4, Anjali Ann Chocko, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Efficacy of Nebulized Magnesium Sulphate in Bronchiolitis”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (7): P.No- 8667-8671 |
2 | Pediatrics | Original | Vidhya Shankari, Shajahan R A, Deepa S N, Anjali Ann Chacko4, Ebin Roshan Paul, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Prevalence of Rota virus gastroenteritis among immunised and non immunised children below 5 years”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (8): P.No. 2625-2630 |
3 | Pediatrics | Original | Deepa S N, Shajahan R A, Vidhya Shankari, Ebin Roshan Paul4, Anjali Ann Chocko, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Efficacy of Nebulized Magnesium Sulphate in Bronchiolitis”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (7): P.No- 8667-8671 |
4 | Pediatrics | Original | Vidhya Shankari, Shajahan R A, Deepa S N, Anjali Ann Chacko4, Ebin Roshan Paul, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Prevalence of Rota virus gastroenteritis among immunised and non immunised children below 5 years”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (8): P.No. 2625-2630 |
5 | Pediatrics | Original | Deepa S N, Shajahan R A, Vidhya Shankari, Ebin Roshan Paul4, Anjali Ann Chocko, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Efficacy of Nebulized Magnesium Sulphate in Bronchiolitis”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (7): P.No- 8667-8671 |
6 | Pediatrics | Original | Vidhya Shankari, Shajahan R A, Deepa S N, Anjali Ann Chacko4, Ebin Roshan Paul, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Prevalence of Rota virus gastroenteritis among immunised and non immunised children below 5 years”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (8): P.No. 2625-2630 |
7 | Pediatrics | Original | Khan IVH, Harshini BP, Ashoka C, Kumar GV. Etiological Study of Short Stature among Children Attending Outpatient Department of Pediatrics in a Tertiary Care Medical College Hospital. Asian J. Clin. Pediatr. Neonatol.2020;8(1):32-36. DOI: |
8 | Pediatrics | Original | Ebin Roshan Paul, Prameela Joji, Asha Zacharia, Anjali Ann Chacko, Varsha V P, Aiswarya Das, “CLINICOETIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND OUTCOME OF URTICARIA IN CHILDREN AGED 1 MONTH TO 15 YEARS IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTER – A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY”, EJMCM, 2022; 9 (9): P.No. 926-957 |
9 | Pediatrics | Original | Ebin Roshan Paul, Anjali Ann Chacko, Varsha V P, Shoba P, “Wildervanck syndrome: case report from a tertiary care centre” IJCP, 2023; 10 (9): P.No. 1-4 |
10 | Pediatrics | Original | Deepa S N, Shajahan R A, Vidhya Shankari, Ebin Roshan Paul, Anjali Ann Chocko, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Efficacy of Nebulized Magnesium Sulphate in Bronchiolitis”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (7): P.No- 8667-8671 |
11 | Pediatrics | Original | Vidhya Shankari, Shajahan R A, Deepa S N, Anjali Ann Chacko4, Ebin Roshan Paul, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Prevalence of Rota virus gastroenteritis among immunised and non immunised children below 5 years”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (8): P.No. 2625-2630 |
12 | Pediatrics | Original | Ebin Roshan Paul, Prameela Joji, Asha Zacharia, Anjali Ann Chacko, Varsha V P, Aiswarya Das, “CLINICOETIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND OUTCOME OF URTICARIA IN CHILDREN AGED 1 MONTH TO 15 YEARS IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTER – A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY”, EJMCM, 2022; 9 (9): P.No. 926-957 |
13 | Pediatrics | Original | Ebin Roshan Paul, Anjali Ann Chacko, Varsha V P, Shoba P, “Wildervanck syndrome: case report from a tertiary care centre” IJCP, 2023; 10 (9): P.No. 1-4 |
14 | Pediatrics | Original | Deepa S N, Shajahan R A, Vidhya Shankari, Ebin Roshan Paul4, Anjali Ann Chocko, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Efficacy of Nebulized Magnesium Sulphate in Bronchiolitis”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (7): P.No- 8667-8671 |
15 | Pediatrics | Original | Vidhya Shankari, Shajahan R A, Deepa S N, Anjali Ann Chacko4, Ebin Roshan Paul, R.C. Krishna Kumar, “Prevalence of Rota virus gastroenteritis among immunised and non immunised children below 5 years”, EJMCM, 2022, 9 (8): P.No. 2625-2630 |
16 | Pediatrics | Original | Ebin Roshan Paul, Prameela Joji, Asha Zacharia, Anjali Ann Chacko, Varsha V P, Aiswarya Das, “CLINICOETIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND OUTCOME OF URTICARIA IN CHILDREN AGED 1 MONTH TO 15 YEARS IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTER – A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY”, EJMCM, 2022; 9 (9): P.No. 926-957 |
17 | Pediatrics | Original | Ebin Roshan Paul, Anjali Ann Chacko, Varsha V P, Shoba P, “Wildervanck syndrome: case report from a tertiary care centre” IJCP, 2023; 10 (9): P.No. 1-4 |
18 | Pediatrics | Original | Imthyas Khan V. H1 , Harshini B P1 , Ashoka C2 , Kumar G V V. H1, Harshini B P, Ashoka C, Kumar G V, “Etiological Study of Short Stature among Children Attending Outpatient Department of Pediatrics in a Tertiary Care Medical College Hospital” AJCPN, 2020, 8 (1): P.NO. 32-36 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | General surgery | Original | Sujatha Vattamparambil Sankaran, Girija Kalarikkal Rajagopal , Sreekumar Achamkulangara, “Effects of antibiotic prophylaxis on surgical wounds: A study in a tertiary care centre of central Kerala”, JIACM, 2016; 18 (1): P.No. 12-16 |
2 | General surgery | Original | Jayanand, K., Kannan, R., Thottath, D., & Madayil, D. “Quality of life and psychological well-being of the working population during the lockdown and work-from-home phases of the COVID-19 pandemic”, IJCMPH, 2022; 9 (9): P.No.3503–3509 |
3 | General surgery | Original | Zakhi Ahmed, Shanavas P, Madhuvanan, Shanmugan C V, R.C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of Demography, Profile and Management of Acute Trauma in Emergency Department”, JCDR, 2021; 12 (1): P.No. 843-846 |
4 | General surgery | Original | Zakhi Ahmed, Shanavas P, Madhuvanan, Shanmugan C V, R.C Krishna Kumar, “Assessment of comparison of MEWS, REMS and RAPS for Predicting Outcomes of non-Surgical Patients in Emergency Room”, EJMCM, 2021; 8 (1): P.No. 2502-2506 |
5 | General surgery | Original | Joby Thomas, Moosan Ullattil, R C Krishna Kumar, “Intra the cal dexmedetomidine for spinal anaesthesia for perianal ambulatory surgeries”, JAMDSR, 2017; 5 (1): P.No. 159-162 |
6 | General surgery | Original | R Lakshmana, Jayakumar, N Snigdha, Neethish K Paul, PA Sethu, “Raman5Management of Scrotal Aggressive Angiomyxoma: A Case Report”, JCDR, 2023; 17 (4): P.No. 1-5 |
7 | General surgery | Original | Neethish K Paul, Balamurugan R, Athira Gopinathan, Sivamarieswaran R, “Role of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy prior to cholecystectomy to assess the postoperative outcome”, IJRPS, 2020; 11 (4): P.No. 2488-2493 |
8 | General surgery | Original | Dhinesh K, Lakshmana R, Ajay raja A, Govinda Raju Chintada, Neethish K Paul, Sasivadhana T, Pravindhas A, “A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN LAPAROSCOPIC INTRAPERITONEAL ONLAY MESH REPAIR(IPOM) AND IPOM PLUS VS OPEN MESH REPAIR FOR INCISIONAL HERNIA”, IMJ, 2022; 29 (3): P.No. 7393-7402 |
9 | General surgery | Original | R LAKSHMANA, A AJAY RAJA, K NAVANEETHA, A PRAVINDHAS, NEETHISH K PAUL, “Elective Splenectomy for Haemolytic Anaemia: A Case Series”, JCDR, 2023; 17 (2): P.No. 1-3 |
10 | General surgery | Original | Athulya Balan, Chandrasekharan S, “Assess clinical outcomes following radiofrequency ablationfor varicosevein and to identify subgroups who would benefit most from the treatment modality”, IJHCR, 2022; 5 (1): P.No. 728-732 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Psychiatry | Original | Nimmy Chandran, Vinuprasad V.G, Sreedevi C., Sajal Sathiadevan, Deepak K. S, “COVID-19-related Stigma Among the Affected Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study From Kerala, India”, IJPM, 2022, 44 (3): Pg. No.279-284 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Orthopedics | Original | Shankar S, Abdul Rasheem PT, Saj Sreejesh Assessing and comparing Functional outcome in Olecranon fracture managed by tensionband wiring and transcortical screw fixation, IJHCR, 2021; 4 (14): P. No. 389-391 |
2 | Orthopedics | Original | Srinivasalu Santhanagopal, Manu Jacob Abraham, Joby Kurian, Anoop Pilar, “A Comparative Study of the Outcome of Wound Drain versus No Drain in Patients Undergoing Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty”, JKOA, 2019; 7 (2): P. No. 8-10 |
3 | Orthopedics | Original | S. F. Kammar, Karthik B, V. K. Bhasme, Suryakanth Kalluraya, “A study on clinical outcomes of complex subtrochanteric femoral fractures with cephalomedullary nail” Int J Res Orthop., 2021; 7 (6): P.No. 1194-1199 |
4 | Orthopedics | Original | Dr Ajith K, Dr Mathew Panackathottam, Dr Ganesh P, Subbaiah, Dr. Jishnu. V.N, “Functional and radiological outcome measures of surgically treated unstable distal radius fractures using a variable angle volar locking compression plate” IJHS, 2022; 6 (5): P.No. 9189–9199 |
5 | Orthopedics | Original | Dr. Ajith K, Dr. Mathew Panackathottam, Dr. Jayakrishnan K. S, “Fractures of the proximal humerus: Does age precludes operative treatment?”, TCMS, 2023; 3 (2): P.No. 65-69 |
6 | Orthopedics | Original | Samarth Manjunath, Ebin Rahman, Sabari Girish R, Shyamgopal. Stress fracture of the lumbar facet in an athlete-an unusual presentation: A case report. International Journal of Orthopaedics Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 04-06 |
7 | Orthopedics | Original | Ragesh Chandran, Manu K Thomas, “Humeral interlocking nail and compression plating in management of humerus shaft fracture” JAMDSR, 2020; 8 (6): P.No. 199-202 |
8 | Orthopedics | Original | Ragesh Chandran, Manu K Thomas, “Comparison of multidirectional locked nailing and plating in the treatment of distal tibial meta-diaphyseal fractures”, JAMDSR 2020; 8 (2): P.No: 270-273 |
9 | Orthopedics | Original | Dinesh Chidambaram, Prakash Sengottaiyan, Karthikeyan Chinnaswami, “Reconstruction of Ankle Mortise following Resection of Giant Cell Tumor of Distal Fibula”, JCO, 2018, 3 (2): P.No. 51-53 |
10 | Orthopedics | Original | Agraharam Devendra, M Avinash, Dinesh Chidambaram, Jayaramaraju Dheenadhayalan and S Rajasekaran, “Vascular injuries due to cerclage passer: Relevant anatomy and note of caution”, JOS, 2018, 26 (1): P.No. 1-6 |
Count | Department | Nature of Research | Publications |
1 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Baneesh A B, “Endoscopic evaluation of bleeding points in epistaxis: a cross sectional study”, Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg., Oct 2017; 3 (4), P. No. 923-926 |
2 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Baneesh A B, “A STUDY INTO THE CLINICAL PROFILE AND AETIOLOGY OF STRIDOR IN INFANTS AND CHILDREN”, J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., 2017; 4 (65), P.No. 3924-3927 |
3 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Baneesh A.B, Dhanya T, Jinsha A, “A study into the clinicopathological profile of patients with voice change”, Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2020, 6 (11) P. No. 1967- 1970 |
4 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Baneesh A.B, Dhanya T, Jinsha A, “A study into the clinicopathological profile of patients with voice change”, Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2020, 6 (11) P. No. 1967- 1970 |
5 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Dr. Aprajita Pandey, Dr. Williams C.S, Dr. Vikram Singh Rathore, Dr. Ravi Prakash, “The Effect of Nitrous Oxide on the Outcomes of Underlay Tympanoplasty, JCDR; 2023, 14 (07), P. No. 1728-1732 |
6 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Dr. Aprajita Pandey, Dr. Williams C.S, Dr. Vikram Singh Rathore, Dr. Ravi Prakash Pandey, “Correlation Between HMGB1 and TLR4 Expression in Sinonasal Mucosa in Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis”, JCDR; 2023, 14 (07) P. No. 1717-1727 |
7 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | A Shahul Hameed, R T Abdul Salam, K Shilpa Nair, “A Prospective Study on Outcome of Transnasal Endoscopic Repair of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea”, IJSS, 2019; 7 (6): P.No. 55-58 |
8 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | A Shahul Hameed, Shalini Kurian, P Muraleedharan Nampoothiri, “A Prospective Study on Clinicopathological Profile of Fungal Rhinosinusitis”, IJSS, 2017; 5 (5): P.No. 59-62 |
9 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Sreejith MK, Shahul Hameed A, Sagesh M, Bibin Baby, “SINONASAL POLYPOSIS ASSOCIATED WITH FUNGAL INFECTION IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE”, Int J Acad Med Pharm 2023; 5 (5): P.No. 139-143 |
10 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | A. Shahul Hameed, P. Muraleedharan Nampoothiri, Bincy Joseph, “A PROSPECTIVE STUDY ON OUTCOME OF ENDOSCOPIC OPTIC NERVE DECOMPRESSION FOR VISUAL LOSS AFTER CRANIO – ORBITAL TRAUMA”, JEBMH, 2014; 1 (7): P.No. 696-702 |
11 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Shahul Hameed A, Abdul Salam R.T, Dilna, “A Cross Sectional Study of Sinonasal Pathologies and Their Endoscopic Surgical Management”, JEBMH, 2020; 7 (43): P.No. 2442-2447 |
12 | Oto-rhino Laryngology(ENT) | Original | Abdul Salam R. T, Shahul Hameed A, Meera Rajan, “A Comparative Study of Endoscopic Coblation Adenoidectomy and Regular Curettage Adenoidectomy in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Kerala”, JEBMH, 2021; 8( 41): P. No. 3559-3566 |