
The Citizen Charter Information for P K Das Institute of Medical Sciences which is running under the guidelines.


PKDIMS has introduced Citizen Charter with a view to provide information for patients related to health services and to strengthen the prevailing health care system. This initiative promotes citizens’ rights to information and further encourages claiming rights to services. When a patient arrives at any point of service – to our hospital, he/she can see clearly displayed information about topics such as types of emergency care available, service provisions of this particular facility, the nature of outpatient and inpatient care, the availability of drugs, and the number of service providers at any point. Further, the displayed information informs patients about their entitlements to get services and commodities with privacy and confidentiality.

As part of Citizen Charter, facility managers at PKDIMS are showing due care towards women and infants through measures such as supplying safe drinking water, and providing breast feeding corners and clean lavatories and thereby fulfilling patients need and ensure that patients are attended within no time. Patients are also given methods for registering complaints if sanctioned services are not available or any disagreement arises.

Thus, the Citizen Charter in PKDIMS provides positive step for accessing information about quality services and to reduce inequities in health care. Also, it helps to improve relation among patients and PKDIMS and thus contributes to the better utilization of scarce resources in our health system.

PKDIMS Citizen Charter provides information with regard to: –


1. Care:- Patients have a right to receive treatment irrespective of their type of primary and associated illnesses, socio-economic status, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, caste, cultural preferences, linguistic and geographical origins or political affiliations.

  1. Right to be heard to his/her satisfaction without the doctor interrupting before completion of narrating their entire problem and concerns.
  2. Expectation from the doctor to write the prescription legibly and explain to the patient on the details on dosage, do’s & don’ts and also generic options for the medicines.

They have to be provided with information and access on whom to contact in case of an emergency.

2. Confidentiality and Dignity:-

  1. Right to personal dignity and to receive care without any form of stigma and discrimination.
  2. Privacy during examination and treatment.
  3. Protection from physical abuse and neglect.
  4. Accommodating and respecting their special needs such as spiritual and cultural preferences.
  5. Right to confidentiality about their medical condition.
  1. Information:-

The information to be provided to patients are meant to be and  in a language of the patient’s preference and in a manner that is effortless to understand.

  1. Patients and/ or their family members have the right to receive complete information on the medical problem, prescription, treatment & procedure details.
  2. A documented procedure for obtaining patient’s and / or their family’s informed consent exists to enable them to make an informed decision about their care. This process is an important patient right and needs to practice with utmost diligence and transparency.
  3. Patients have to be educated on risks, benefits, expected treatment outcomes and possible complications to enable them to make informed decisions, and involve them in the care planning and delivery process.
  4. Patients have the right to request information on the names, dosages and adverse effects of the medication that they are treated with.
  5. Patients have the right to information on hospital rules and regulations.
  6. Information on organ donation.

4. Preferences:-

  1. Patient has the right to a seek a second opinion on his/her medical condition.
  2. Right to information from the doctor to provide the patient with treatment options, so that the patient can select what works best for him/her.
  1. Right to redress:-

Patient has the right to justice by lodging a complaint through an authority dedicated for this purpose by the healthcare provider organisation or with government health authorities.

The patient has the right to a fair and prompt hearing of his/her concern.


  1. Honesty in Disclosure:-

I will be honest with my doctor & disclose my family/ medical history.

Treatment Compliance:

  1. I will be punctual for my appointments
  2. I will do my best to comply with my doctor’s treatment plan
  3. I will have realistic expectations from my doctor and his treatment
  4. Inform and bring to the doctor’s notice if it has been difficult to understand any part of the treatment or of the existences of challenges in complying with the treatment.
  5. I will display intent to participate intelligently in my medical care by actively involving myself in the prescribed do-at-home activities.
  1. Intent for Health Promotion:-

I will be honest with my doctor & disclose my family/ medical history.

I will do everything in my capacity to maintain healthy habits & routines that contribute to good health, and take responsibility for my health.

  1. Transparency and Honesty:-

I will be honest with my doctor & disclose my family/ medical history.

4. Treatment Compliance:-

  1. I will make a sincere effort to understand my therapies which include the medicines prescribed and their associated adverse effects and other compliance’s for effective treatment outcomes.
  2. I will not ask for surreptitious bills and false certificates, and/or advocate forcefully by unlawful means to provide me with one. If I am not happy, I will inform and discuss with my doctor.
  3. I will report fraud and wrong-doing.

5. Conduct:

  1. I will be respecting the doctors and medical staff caring and treating me.
  2. I will abide by the hospital / facility rules.


  1. Transparency and Honesty:-

I will inform you of my qualifications to perform the proposed diagnostic measures or treatments.

2. Patient Friendly:-

  1. I will schedule appointments in such a manner that it will allow me the necessary time to interact and examine you with minimal waiting times & listen to your problems and concerns without interruptions or distractions.
  2. I will encourage you to bring a friend or relative into the examining room with you.

3. Effective Communication for Patient Education:-

  1. I will explain your prognosis, further diagnostic activity and treatment in simple terms such that it facilitates easy understanding to you.
  2. I will prescribe an Information Therapy, and discuss your diagnostic, treatment and medication options, to enable you to make well-informed decisions.
  3. I will not proceed until you are satisfied and convinced that you understand the benefits and risks of each alternative, and I have your agreement on a particular course of action.

4. Implement the patient charter:- 

  1. I will publish the patient charter in English, and Malayalam
  2. I will display the patient charter prominently and at multiple locations in the healthcare provider setting.

I will implement the patient charter in its true spirit in my everyday medical practice.


General Information: OPD

PKDIMS Citizen Charter provides information with regard to..

Dr. M. A. Andrews, MD, DM

General Information: IPD

Patients who require additional care and examinations may be hospitalised as indoor patients. The PKDIMS bed distribution is illustrated below.

General Medicine 150
General Surgery 150
Pediatrics 90
ENT 15
Ophthalmology 15
Orthopedics 90
Obstetrics & Gynecology 90
Psychiatry 15
Dermatology 15
TB & Chest 20


PKDIMS has multiple major and minor operation theatres associated with the casualty and OP departments. There is a theatre complex in the hospital provided with state of art facilities.



Patient with trauma may be admitted in Trauma ward from where they are shifted to the respective departments. The trauma ward is equipped with all lifesaving drugs and equipment and is in close proximity with the Emergency OT.



The facilities available are :



Please contact us if you have any concerns or comments concerning the services we offer.

Health Education Essentials

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